Category: diastasis


Lake Point, UT 2025

DAY 1: Friday, February 28, 2025                                          10:30 AM – 1:00 PM

DAY 2: Friday, March 15, 2025.                                               10:30 AM – 12 noon

FINAL DAY: Tuesday, March 25, 2025                                 10:30 AM – 12 noon



GREAT for the following issues to address:

*Thick Waistline

*Distended bellies

*Separation of abdominals

*Pelvic floor issues

*Belly button issues

*Hernia issues on the belly

*Poor posture

*Back issues

*Weak back

*Weak core

*Organ protusion on the belly

*Overly lengthened abdominals

*Guys can also take this! This workshop is also known as Diastasis Rehab Say Goodbye to Your Gut, Guys® Workshop!


**Ask about Hosting discounts

**Once you have paid, you are considered registered. I will contact you with details from there.

**You can also pay via cash, check, card or Venmo by contacting me.


American Fork, UT 2025

DAY 1: Saturday, February 1, 2025                                                   9:30 AM – 12:00 PM

DAY 2: Saturday, February 15, 2025.                                               9:30 AM – 11:00 AM

FINAL DAY: Saturday, March 1, 2025                                             9:30 AM – 11:00 AM 




GREAT for the following issues to address:

*Thick Waistline

*Distended bellies

*Separation of abdominals

*Pelvic floor issues

*Belly button issues

*Hernia issues on the belly

*Poor posture

*Back issues

*Weak back

*Weak core

*Organ protusion on the belly

*Overly lengthened abdominals



We just finished a workshop recently and saw some amazing stories including client B.W.!
Her story here:

Over the past two years I have overcome my autoimmune and inflammatory health issues going plant based and supporting my body with nutrient dense nutrition. Seeing my health improve and getting off prescription meds gave me confidence back in my body and its ability to heal. I had a hang up physically however. I noticed after having two children and a laparoscopic surgery in my abdomen ( where they inflate your belly) my stomach has never looked the same. I thought it was the typical mom pooch. I tried crunches, yoga, cardio but nothing was helping and it seemingly looked worse! I would get slightly bloated and it would look like I was pregnant! After hearing of the tupler technique from a friend and my yoga teacher I decided to email Bonnie and ask her if she thought I would be a good candidate for her class. Bonnie explained that my belly appeared to have organ protrusion from weak connective tissue not being able to hold back my organs from my split diastasis recti muscles. I signed up for her classes and crossed my fingers that this would help ( I was moderately skeptical)
I had up to a 5 finger width split gap on my lower recti and a small belly button hernia. My results started happening very quickly. I felt my organs and Intestines readjusting back to their rightful places as I wore my splint. The first week was tough as I was adjusting to the splint and figuring out the exercises into my day. Now ,however, I don’t want it off because its actually comfortable and helps me keep my transverse muscles engaged with my busy lifestyle with kids. The exercises I found were easy for me to do in my car on my 30 minute commute to and from work. I also learned how to not make my split worse, and lifelong ways keep my muscles from reseparating. Going to Bonnies classes I felt a sense of connection with others that were going through various struggles with their diastasis, hernias, and /or back issues from their weak connective tissue. The in person coaching helped me with any questions I had about my exercise techniques so I could fully benefit from the program and her extensive knowledge on the subject.
Please get educated on this, most doctors aren’t and don’t even know how to check for a split diastasis recti! I would try this before any tummy tuck or surgical procedure, I fully believe body can heal give it the right tools! I truly now do feel “ beautiful after the belly!“ thank you a million Bonnie!

Client B.W..
Bree_8_bananas (instagram) to follow her story and journey!


Working with a 69 year old mama! Wow – check out what happened with her story – in just THREE WEEKS!

“I just want to say this “program” is worth more words then I could ever say!
I am older (69) and obviously have not been postpartum for MANY years. However was diagnosed with “Diastasis” none the less, with absolutely NO recommendations for treating it. Suffered with severe left sided back pain with ANY kind of movement from walking to just doing daily chores. So much so I would have to stop and rest my back for 10 min only to have it reoccur again and again.

I ballroom dance and this was becoming a real issue. A friend of mine had seen Bonnie after hr baby and recommended i try this technique.

I am approximately 5-6 weeks into it with only 2 visits to Bonnie. And my body has totally changed its look without having lost a pound!!! My husband thinks i could wear a bikini again ( not sure i would go that far lol)

My back pain has GONE!!!
I had a small umbilical hernia that has disappeared.
I look great and feel great!!!!

Hard to get this condition diagnosed it seems. Honestly I am an RN and I NEVER heard of it.”


TESTIMONIAL Diastasis & Ab Repair Tupler Technique® Dec 2018

We just wrapped up another workshop last month. I received this email from one of my clients:

Hi Bonnie,
All I can say is WOW. I am so stunned at these pics!! I can hardly believe this transformation! There’s so many intrinsic, subtle movements that go into each day of exercises, but such dramatic change over a handful of weeks. I’m seriously blown away and so happy!! Thank you SO much for guiding us through these sessions and healings. Your vast knowledge and incredibly accessible manner and explanations made understanding the injury itself and the healing exercises so easy and dare I say, fun?! Your support and help throughout this process is so very appreciated. I’m completely grateful that you do this life-changing work and that I was able to find you! Happy tears over here!! 😭😍
I will absolutely continue working the exercises full throttle this week and plan to schedule a belly check in a week or so to move on to full healing!
Thanks so much again!

I asked if I could post her email and her response was the following:

P.s. Also after just re-reading my email the only thing I would add in a testimonial is that my results were ONLY from doing the Tupler exercises exclusively. I stopped weight training, did not go on any diet (I’m a healthy eater anyway) or do any cardio. So, this method WORKS if you stick to it and follow the instructions. In the grand scheme of life, it doesn’t take that much time and there’s nothing better than seeing the results from dedicated commitment!

My notes: Client e.s. did another online method for 18 months to treat diastasis recti and it dragged on and on. With the Tupler Technique® she is completely closed in two spots and is 2 millimeters at the navel from being totally closed in just 5 weeks time! Her waistline came down significantly from the diastasis recti closing and her belly composition totally changed!

WHAT?! Guys can get a diastasis recti, too?

Can men get a diastasis recti?  The answer is unequivocally, YES!


But wait!  You may be thinking – they don’t get pregnant, so how can they get a diastasis recti?

A diastasis recti is created from a foreward forceful movement or pressure of the abdominals.  (It can also be exacerbated by the thrusting of the ribs and stretching of the connective tissue.)

What kind of foreward forceful movments or pressure would impact the abdominals of a man?

  1. INCORRECT ABDOMINAL EXERCISES – foreward forceful movement
  2. BEER BELLY – constant foreward forceful pressure
  3. GASTRIC DISTRESS – foreward forceful pressure from imflammation of the internal organs due to food, gastroverticulitis, etc

Client JS story:

This client is a firefighter, had been doing Crossfit for awhile, and found out he had a diastasis recti.  This client decided to do extra sets of the Seated Tupler Contractions (THE exercise for closing the diastasis recti, as long as its done CORRECTLY).  Instead of doing 5 the first week he did around 8 each day.  He had good technique with the Seated Tupler Contractions  as well – VERY important to get the proper results. He decided to PAUSE doing Crossfit until he could close AND start healing the diastasis recti, which is recommended so this part of the body can CLOSE *AND* HEAL.

During a workshop, we always measure the diastasis and the waist measurements, as well as look at the connective tissue condition between the two halves of the recti and do a belly button and hernia eval.

Client JS measured:


40 inches on the upper ab measurement

41.5 at the navel measurement,

40 in the lower abdominal measurement.


5 fingerwidth upper diastasis measurement with moderate connective tissue

3 fingerwidth navel diastasis measurement with shallow connectie tissue

6.5 fingerwidth lower diastasis measurement with moderate connective tissue


When we measured him on Day 2 of the workshop, he was almost completely closed!  He had PAUSED crossfit to strengthen the transverse and to close the diastasis.

He measured:


37.75 inches on the upper ab measurement

37.85 inches at the navel measurement

37.75 inches in the lower abdominal measurement.


0 fingerwidths “closed” upper diastasis measurement with moderate connective tissue

0 fingerwidths or “closed” navel diastasis measurement with shallow connective tissue

0.5 fingerwidth lower diastasis measurement with moderate connective tissue


WOW!  What a transformation!  Client JS caught the day 3 of the following workshop due to work, so it had been 6 weeks after DAY 2.


35.6 inches on the upper ab measurement

35.6 inches at the navel measurement,

35.6 inches in the lower abdominal measurement.


0 fingerwidths “closed” upper diastasis measurement with moderate connective tissue

0 fingerwidths or “closed” navel diastasis measurement with shallow connective tissue

0.5 fingerwidth lower diastasis measurement with moderate connective tissue

So we saw a 16.5 inch decrease in his waist measurements!

So what was client JS doing?

During these 8 weeks, Client JS followed the Tupler Technique® Guidebook, wore the Tupler® Splint doing extra sets of contractions on many days.He was still PAUSING Crossfit until everything was closed.  He also decided to do a great compliment with Tupler Technique® which is CARDIO! He started running stairs and running in general at the same time.

Men and Women can both close their diastasis recti at ANY TIME!  There is no statute of limiations.  I see people from age 10 to 84 who have closed their diastasis!!

Any other firefighters willing to take on the Tupler Technique® Challenge??

Dry Brushing for Diastasis Recti Issues, Revitalize Abdominal Skin Tautness, C-section numbness!


Is there a 3 FOLD APPROACH to helping abdominal skin post diastasis recti,helping tautness, helping numbness, and stimulating the nerve endings on a “turned off muslce”?



This has got to be one of the number one questions I get apart from diastasis and hernia questions. After pregnancy the skin can lose skin integrity.  When I work with people who bring their diastasis recti together and lose inches in the waist, the inevitable next question is – ok, what about the skin.  I do recommend both Emu oil and Coconut (the GOOD stuff – I like Tropical Traditions brand personally) in tandem, or Diastasis Rehab has a great connective tissue cream with a really great formulation.  But there has to more than JUST a topical approach to skin.


I work with many clients who have had C-sections.  Some have  numbness from 2 weeks Post C-section to 20+ YEARS!!  When we do exercises that work the transverse, if the lower section is not responding we have them poke the muscle, brush the muscle with different kinds of bristles of brushes to stimulate the nerve endings to send messages to the brain it needs to be worked. Different textures stimulate the nerve endings differently.


For ANYONE who has been pregnant – when you can’t see a muscle, like when the belly gets bigger with pregnancy, the brain can literally turn the muscle off because you can’t “see” it (at least while looking down) and  and can become disconnected with the whole area.  The brain often needs some “additional info” to convince it that it still needs to send messages to the lower abs after it takes a break by turning it off, or gets the muscle fibers cut, as in a C-section.


AHA!  Something that can take these areas of weakness and bring them together.

I have been hearing about dry brushing for the past several years but did not look into it seriously for belly benefits until one of my clients mentioned how much it helped her post C-section.

I did some research about dry brushing – some ins and outs – here are some of the articles I read and liked:

The Benefits of Dry Brushing

10 Benefits of Dry Brushing Your Skin


Of course, there are also other benefits as well – detoxing, stimulating the lymph system, eliminating other skin issues, helps circulation.

Did I mention it only takes 30 seconds to 2 minutes per day to do?! Yeah, that’s VERY little investment for some great potential!  In the diastasis world – it helps with THREE THINGS at the same time – the skin tautness, mind-body connection, and stimulates nerve endings post C section if there is numbness (make sure to be careful around the scar area).


This is the one I got – less than $10.



*The one addendum I would make to the chart above is to do a clockwise motion also on the abdomen in the middle as that will help stimulate digestion as well.

ENJOY the journey of Dry Brushing!!


Home birth, New Baby, Binding Bones, Healing Diastasis Recti, 1 month Post Partum!

Baby #6 is here!

isaac birth

3 hours after birth

isaac 4 days old

4 days old


I had an AMAZING birth experience.  This time I did several things differently than the others.


I did Hypnobabies this time around, which rocked my world.  Helped me really have some great coping mechnanisms and think of things differently – pressure waves, instead of contractions, and so forth.  I used the same mechanisms to cope with the uterine cramps afterwards.


I did a Home Birth which was so great!  The birth happened so fast (TOTAL labor of 1 hour 40 minutes) that the kids were COMPLETELY oblivious to what was going on. My oldest (12) was playing Canon in D on the piano, while the others were entertained on the ipad. I put my youngest daughter down for a nap at 1:20 PM as labor was just getting started.  Had the baby at 2:47 PM.  It was so fast, the midwfie didn’t make it in time.  The assistant made it with 5 minutes to spare.  She had just enough time to put down her laptop, through the absorbant pads on the ground and literally catch the baby.


My muscle memory from doing the Seated Tupler Contractions was right where it needed to be – Just 1 1/2 pushes and the baby was out.  You can’t learn a new skill while in pain, so if you practice DURING pregnancy, especially (don’t get grossed out here) during each bowel movement, your muscles will know exactly how to push perfectly during the crowning moment.  Your stomach muscles will go BACK rather than DOWN (a.k.a. bearing down) while the pelvic floor relaxes.  This makes for a good pushing experience – be it a water birth, or land birth. You can get the HOW TO HERE.


We did a land birth, rather than the water birth.  I LOVE water births.  Two of my six have been water births.  The tub did not have enough time to fill up, so we did a land birth right on the floor. I will always think of that spot in our room differently now – like it has an energy mark of the experience.


I had my placenta encapsulated by Peace Love Placenta. It has been GREAT for energy.  Holy Cow – why did I not do this the first 5 births.  It has its personalized cocktail of hormones for each individual.  I definitley have felt the quick balance it gives.


I used some herbal tea with shephards purse, as well as some other herbs that kept postpartum bleeding down to a minimum. THIS TEA REALLY rocked my world.  With 6 kids to chase after, its important to really heal internally.  This was so great for that.


I waited several weeks to splint with this one.  My uterus was a bit stubborn to go down at first.  The encapsulated placenta helped.  I listened to my body with the splinting.  I have waited a little longer after each child to splint.  This time I waited 3 1/2 weeks to splint.  I felt it helped everything calm down with the uterus, so there was no ligament damage.  ALWAYS listen to your body while splinting.  Though my diastasis is already closed, and has been for a couple weeks – the Diastasis Rehab® Splint found HERE is helping the waistine go down.  After a week of splinting, though the diastasis was closed, my waist has gone down 3 inches from 29 1/2 to 26 1/2.


I have been binding my bones as well. This you can do postpartum ideally in the first 6 months after birth.  You use a compression binder ON TOP OF the Diastasis Rehab® Splint.  This is the version I like HERE. I like this one because it helps give compression to the hips and ribs both.  I have liked the look and feel of my abdomen MUCH better after binding the bones AS WELL AS Splinting to bring the diastasis together, and the waistline in.  It also has the added bonus of keeping the Diastasis Rehab® Splint in place.


And now – doing my 10 sets of 100 a day of Seated Tupler contractions to get the waistline where I want it to be, since my diastasis is already closed (mostly from splinting consistently during pregnancy coupled with the 10 sets of 100 contractions, and correct body mechanics). Can learn about them HERE.


Putting yourself back together after 6 kids can have its challenges. After EACH child, the trick is to listen to your body.  Most cultures have learned to approximate muscles, bind bones, use herbs to care for mom, and many other tried and true things our culture has by in large forgotten about, but is now emerging back into our culture.

Postpartum mamas – it doesn’t matter whether you had a baby 3 days ago or 30 years ago, you can STILL put yourself back together!



Amazing stories of those in the Tupler Technique® program:

I see so many amazing things with my clients, and I tell all the good stories at my workshops.  I decided to share a few here:) Some Amazing stories in the past few months of those who have gone through the Tupler Technique® program: diastasis-recti-before-after

Client CS

She is in her 30s was taking the workshop and just found out the first day of her program she was pregnant with #5.  She measured 10.5 fingerwidths wide on the lower measurement of her diastasis recti.  In only TWO WEEKS she brought that measurement down to 1.5 fingerwidths WHILE she had morning sickness!

Client CI

She is a mom in her lower 40s with 2 kids.  She has fibromyalgia and wanted to do the program to fix her diastasis recti.  She emailed me after 1 week commenting her fibromyalgia had never felt better, AND her belly looked much better!

Client MT

She is a mom in her 40s with 2 kids.  She had a 3.5 inch by 3 inch hernia 1 inch above her navel.  After 2.5 weeks of doing the Tupler Technique, she decreased her hernia to 1.25 inch X 1 inch (while only doing half the suggested exercises).  A 66% decrease!

Client GU

She is a mom in her 30s with 3 kids.  She was very athletic, but her belly did not reflect that.  After doing the Tupler Technique® program for 5 week, She closed her 7 fingerwidth diastasis, and shrunk her waist from 39 inches at the belly button to 32!  She also lost another 5 inches across the lower and upper parts of her belly.  12 inches off her belly in 5 weeks (not changing what she ate or anything else).

Client KM

She is a mom in her lower 30s with 2 kids.  She had a 1in. X 1 in. hernia that had bothered her for years.  She did the Tupler Technique® program and splinted, and her hernia completely reversed in 2 days!  She couldn’t believe it and emailed me to make sure this was even possible.  It has never come back.   Gone for good.

Client PH

She just turned 60 this year and has 4 kids.  She is taking the working with her daughter.  She completely closed her 5 fingerwidth diastasis she has had for 30 years in just TWO WEEKS!  Her abs were rock solid, connective tissue has already started healing beautifully. She told me she used to buy a belt for her pants to hold over her pooch, but now, she has to wear a belt just to keep her pants up!  She shed 7 inches off her belly in 2 weeks!

Client CS

She is a young mom of 2 kids, one just an infant.  She drove 3.5 hours from another state for the workshop.  We practiced coughing correctly at the workshop;  especially important time of year as it was a January workshop.  She came back 2 weeks later reporting that she had pneumonia for the last two weeks.   However, she had brought her diastasis to only ONE fingerwidth from EIGHT fingerwidths in just TWO WEEKS WITH pneumonia!  Little things like coughing are so important to learn to do correctly!

Client KG

She is a mom of 4 in her mid 50s.  She is a professor at a university in the City of Chicago.  She was overweight, had a  large 8 fingerwidth diastasis, both of which were taxing on her back, causing her severe back pain.  She had to frequently go in for an epidural to alleviate her pain. She called me on her Jewish New Year to thank me, as the Tupler Technique® program had not only closed her diastasis, it helped her back so much to the point she no longer needed the epidural every couple of months!


This client was a male client who had a 10.5 fingerwidth diastasis.  He was a cute older gentlemen from the city (Chicago) with a white beard in his 60s. He reported that after two weeks all his pants were falling off, so he had to go shopping with his wife to buy new pants.  We measured his diastasis and he had nearly closed it in just TWO WEEKS!  It was down to a 1 fingerwidth diastasis.  He also reported that his back felt much better than it had in a long time (decades).

Client SB

This client is a mom of 4 in her 60s.  She had a 14 fingerwidth diastasis and 9 very large hernias – a few of them being 5X6 inches, and a few of them being 3 X 4 inches, and a couple of them being 1 X 2 inches.  Her connective tissue was like a spiderweb, barely holding in her organs.  Someone with this severe of a diastasis and this many hernias will take much longer to heal than someone without shredded connective tissue, and someone without this wide of a diastasis.  No doubt any surgeon would recommend surgery with super heavy duty mesh.  Over 9 months, with the help of an MRI, ALL over her hernias were COMPLETELY UNDERNEATH the connective tissue!  We measured her to see – she was a 6 fingerwidth diastasis and was no longer in constant pain.  Her spiderweb of connective tissue had come back together and started healing.  She was only a 1 fingerwidth diastasis in the upper and lower measurements of the diastasis! This with NO surgery, just the Tupler Technique® program!

Client MS

This client is a nursing young mom in her 20s.  She had 1 baby a few months ago.  She wanted her belly back.  She was a 28.5 inch waist and had a 4 fingerwidth diastasis.  After 4 weeks she was able to bring her waist back to her wedding waist measurement of 24 inches.  Her diastasis was completely closed and her abs were rock solid. I see so many amazing things – I tried to include stories from all gamuts and walks of life.  I am so proud of them all!