I LOVED , Absolutely LOVED, the other acupressure techniques I included several posts back on helping the eye area. They have really helped I feel with dark circles, and that furrow I get in my brow. I noticed that I have little knots in my brow muscles right about where the arch is. I have been working on getting those knots out and the acupressure has been helping. So I am continously sore right there as well as sore on the inner bridge of my nose on both sides. This has been eye opening to me realized those places are NOT supposed to be sore. LET GIVE THESE NEXT ONES A TRY!! I would love to know what YOU NOTICE!!!
Big Washing Face Exercise
We credit this technique to Yen Wei Choog, an acupuncturist in Northern California. This facial acupressure technique will tone, stimulate your face, and clear your complexion while also preventing wrinkles.
First make sure you wash and dry your hands so they are clean. Then charge your palms by placing them together and briskly rub them back and forth. An optimal number of times to charge your palms is thirty-six back and forth movements. You will feel warmth in your palms as Chi energy forms.
Now place both of your energized hands on your face with your little fingers along side your nose. Move your hands in a circular motion by moving upward. As you move your hands upward your finger tips will cross your forehead and then move downward and your thumbs actually pass over your ears. Again, begin at chin and move along side the nose, over the eyes to forehead, along hairline, over ear, and then back to the chin again. Do this sweeping motion lightly across your face thirty-six times.
As you incorporate this technique into your daily skin care procedure the Chi energy will harmonize in your face protecting your skin from the effects of aging. Any form of natural anti-aging skin care when combined with these Chinese acupressure techniques for the face will really get a boost in its effectiveness.
Full Pressure Point Facial ExerciseYou may also want to consider twice a week adding a full pressure point acupressure facial to your routine. You can easily follow this map of acupressure points at the left noting the points on the face. This is an optimal exercise for creating a natural facelift alternative. Again, use the balls of the fingertips and apply bi-lateral pressure. There are only two points, on the forehead and one at the crease of the skin that are single points.
Everyone has a unique facial signature of muscle development, formed by the way that the features are animated and interact to produce facial expressions. Your facial signature plays a large part in how your face looks and the way it ages. Maintaining and developing your facial signature is the secret to staying sensual, sexy and young looking, but there are many factors in life that erode the stay-young potential in your facial signature, and these can take their toll by dulling your natural attractiveness and making you look older.
Acupressure is More than Just a Natural Facelift
We all know that cosmetic surgery costs is expensive and also has some risks. The use of Electro stimulation devices do not invite Chi into the face nor do they address the muscle’s needs to actually revitalize and bring back your youthful facial signature. The benefits of these acupressure facelift techniques keep your facial skin from growing a little older each day. You will gradually see a difference as your skin becomes smoother and more radiant. If you are interested in reversing facial aging practice this routine for a month, and notice the difference. You will be pleasantly surprised and most likely will incorporate these exercises into your daily skin care routine
For skin rejuvenation use accupressure facial twice a week. This make skin healtyh and glowing.
Great post, thank you very much.
Love you posts, very helpful. Thanks