Belly after Twins and Triplets= Major Diastasis Recti after Multiples

Lets face it – having twins or triplets (not to mention just ONE child) can REALLY do a number on your belly!  Apart from the stretch marks, the loose skin, and most likely a C section scar, you have to deal with the elephant in the room – The gap in the recti muscles – the diastasis recti! 

Needless to say, several of my clients are moms of multiples.  I can’t fathom having multiples and NOT knowing the Tupler Technique®!! 

One of my moms in my classes right now is the biggest diastasis I personally have ever worked with – it was 10 fingerwidths apart.  This mom is in her upper 30s and has twins – they were both a little over 5 lbs when born. She is about 5 ‘4.  I had actually run out of Diastasis Rehab® Splints by the time I got to her and I felt terrible!  Here was someone who needed the Splint worse than anyone I had ever worked with and I ran out!  I ordered new ones but they didn’t come in time for the class that next week!  I felt even worse!  I got them in the next day but had to wait the full week to see her again to get her splinted.  She STILL managed to bring her 10 fingerwidth diastasis recti to a 7 in the middle in 2 calendar weeks withOUT a splint, which is really incredible.

Usually the thing I run into with people that have had multiples is that their recti are so split (if they didn’t do the Tupler Technique® DURING pregnancy) that their mind-body connection of the muscle is completely nil.  The Diastasis Recti® Splint not only approximates the muscle so the exercises are more effective, but it helps with the mind body connection BECAUSE the muscles are more approximated – its a great synergistic effect. 

Of course most OB GYNs would refer the moms of multiples to a surgeon with a diastasis recti, and most surgeons would tell you that surgery is the only way to go.  Like I have mentioned in previous posts, most medical professionals only learn about the diastasis recti for a PARAGRAPH in med school.  When they do residency, their mentors refer these patients to a surgeon, so that is what THEY do.  The process is perpetuated.  And surgeons CAN* fix a diastasis recti but artifically sewing weak muscles together – but without strengthening and having the right body mechanics (getting up and down properly, lying in and out of bed preperly and avoiding crunches and other bad abdominals)  and strengthening their transverse with the Tupler Technique® they can blow RIGHT through their stitches and the recti can also resplit (not to mention the high risk of infection and lengthy recovery time). 

But surgery is NOT NEEDED to fix this condition!  EVEN IF THE RECTI ARE SPLIT TO 10 FINGERWIDTHS!  And you can start doing the Tupler Technique® DURING your pregnancy, and within 1 week if you had a C section, and within 24 hours if you had a vaginal delivery.

So moms of multiples – DONT get discouraged over your “Mummy Tummy” – the Tupler Technique is the absolute BEST thing you can do for your body!!  Your weird belly button issues can BE RESOLVED! Your back problems can be addressed by working your recti and transverse muscles proplerly through the Tupler Technique®. You DONT NEED surgery – training your muscles to bring the recti together are SUCH A NECESSITY for you!!

Many people ask about loose skin – skin is age and genetics (although contouring creme can be a welcome addition) – but the muscles and connective tissue healed underneatht he skin will improve GREATLY the look of your skin.  Staying hydrated and eating things that keep your skin more elastic will help – think dark green veggies, lemon water, and good HEALTHY protein – fish, soy, etc.

All of you moms of multiples out there – what questions do you have about your bellies, your abs, or any other body-restoring question?   Lets bring to light all those questions that will help you put yourself BACK TOGETHER again after having your multiples!! 

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