which is what I specifically do my training, classes and seminars about. I found out about it when I was pregnant with my 2nd child. I didn’t think I had “split stomach muscles.” But when I was getting up from laying on my back, I saw this really weird (to me ALIEN-LIKE) ridge that was protruding from my belly. I was TOTALLY grossed out by myself.
So I purchased the book that Tami, my sister, had been telling me about called “Lose Your Mummy Tummy” by Julie Tupler. She had learned about the split stomach muscles called “diastasis recti” in Physical Therapy school.
So we got the book, and the video and started encorporating the exercises into classes we were teaching.
Then one fateful day I contacted Julie Tupler by email and told her I thought her work was brilliant and did she have any training programs. Well, I didn’t expect an email back in all honesty, but not only did she respond, she said – after many phone conversations – that she could train us and come an do a presentation and meet us in person.
So now (rigorous training programs later) my sister and I are the only ones in the midwest certified to do “Maternal Fitness” registered classes.
But the greatest part for me is that I can help women bring their diastasis together. They FEEL so much better about themselves, not to mention they LOOK better.
I had one girl in one of my classes close her diastasis from a 5 fingerwidth diastasis, to a 2 1/2 fingerwidth diastasis in ONE WEEK, which was STUNNING!
I will post more about the exercises but I think EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THIS. Your OB-GYN can tell you that you HAVE a diastasis, but are not trained to tell you how to BRING IT TOGETHER!!
One woman I taught last night was MAD. She told me, I have been doing CRUNCHES all these years (HORRIBLE HORRIBLE FOR PREGNANT AND POST-PARTUM WOMEN!!!!!) only to find out that THEY WERE MAKING THINGS WORSE!!”
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