Client with largest diastasis clinically closed in FIVE WEEKS!

So I see women with all sorts of sizes of diastasis.  All affect how the abdominal area looks.  Those with the larger diastasis see a much more pronounced “mommy tummy” look as the organs protrude against the skin and connective tissue, as there are NO MUSCLES to keep those organs in.  It looks strange often times, and unsightly.  In some women it looks “off” or “poochy.” 

I have measured thousands of women.  I did have one class that had several women whose recti were 8 fingerwidths wide of a gap between the recti.  I thought – “”wow we have our work cut out for us in this class!  I, of course, splinted them and taught them exercises, etc.  And they made great progress in the 7 weeks we had.  Those were the largest diastasis recti I have personally measured and worked with…until my last class.

I had quite a large class of 20 women and we only had a short abreviate session for the summer – it was a “6 week course” that spanned 5 weeks from beginning to end.  I had a thin tall girl in my class who was NINE FINGERWIDTHS WIDE of a gap between the recti.    She looked great EXCEPT for an the protrusion of the midsection – the LAST piece of the puzzle for SO  many women!

She came up to me after class as  I fit her for a splint and asked, “Can’t I still do crunches and sit-ups?” She had asked in such a way that I could tell that my forbidding of crunches had really put her out with how she did her normal fitness routine.  I said firmly but nicely, “NO!!  That is why you measure a NINE!  NOOOO Crunches!”  “NEVER???”  She asked.  “NO!  Not unless you want to undo all the work you do in here with me.”  (Please click on side tab of crunches if you are new to this site and can’t imagine why I would be saying this 🙂 )

So this girl had EXCELLENT technique and came every week to the 6 classes.  And on week 6, just 5 calendar weeks later, she had brought her  NINE fingerwidth diastasis to a ONE!!!!!!  While I work with my clients to TOTALLY close everything, this was an amazing EIGHT FINGERWIDTHS CLOSED in 5 WEEKS!  That is by FAR the fastest I have ever had anyone progress.  And yes, she DID work for it, usually doing 7 sets of 100  seated tuplers per day (NOT as  crazy as it sounds – they are very intrinsic.  See article of Fit Pregnancy a couple posts below).

Well that kind of progress is not made without significant WAIST SHRINKAGE!!  She went from a 30 inch waist to a 27 inch waist in those FIVE WEEKS!! 

CONGRATS TO HER PROGRESS!!  I am partially telling this clients story not ONLY because of her amazing results, which are awesome, but also because SO many medical professionals believe surgery is the ONLY FIX for this condition!  That is dangerously misguided information in my opinion.  Why not save people from thousands of dollars, weeks and weeks of recovery time, permanent incision in their body, and a healthy (no pun intended) risk of infection following the surgery.  OUCH!  Any medical professionals that come across this, PLEASE realize that there are so many more avenues for the diastasis recti than surgery!

3 comments on “Client with largest diastasis clinically closed in FIVE WEEKS!

  1. Anonymous on

    Hi Bonnie,

    First off I want to thank you for putting up a blog like this. It was heaven sent! I was wondering about the sets. You say that the young lady of 9 finger widths did 7 sets. Can you do 1 set of 100 each hour? Is it effective that way as well? Or will it tire out the muscle? Thanks!

  2. Mimi on


    I’m new to this blog and am very appreciative of the info. I wanted to know how to split the sets. Is it wise to do them all at once and get it out of the way? What do you recommend? Thank you in advance!


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