So I decided to do it – no sugar until MAY! I have been out of control lately on my sugar intake. I just can’t seem to do it in moderation. I am either sugar happy (6 cookies and 3 pieces of banana bread on Thursday – gag me!) or I am really good.
I have found if I make it past 4 days (the 3rd day is usually the hardest for me) without sugar, then I can go quite a long time. And for me, being a small frame, a little bit of extra sugar goes a long way of showing up on me, so I really have to watch it. Especially now I am in my (yikes) 30s!
Usually I go most of the winter without sugar because I just don’t get out to go exercising becasue Chicago winters suck. But because I am teaching fitness classes 4 times a week, I gave myself permission to be lax this winter. Well, 1 cookie turns into 6 apparently, and I usually go for the 2nd piece of pie, etc. So I am calling myself out of in it and inviting anyone who reads to also feel the power to go without sugar until May.
The first week is the hardest. If you are doing the sugar fast “Bonnie Wayne” style, you allow yourself 85% chocolate when everyone else is having birthday cake or whatever. It helps. Then you eventually find you dont really need it. Also, fruit smoothies can help as well. Try something with lots of antioxidants like berries, acai, or pomegranite to make it exciting.
OK SUGAR FAST – here we go!!!
It’s too hard, no sugar until may??? but I will try.
My last blod test indicates that i have a little anemia…What kind of food I must to eat to improve this anemia thing. I’m pregnant, 6 months.
Hello Amigaza,
Your English is superb!
You need to take iron WITH Magnesium so you can absorb the iron
I have done this a few times…John and I had a competition to see who could last the longest (with a great winning prize) and I did it for two months. It really does get so easy after a little bit. I would find myself not craving sweets. I could say, “No thank you” so easily. Fruits tasted oh so good when you don’t eat sugar. Good luck. I’m on the verge of doing it again…I have to prepare myself though.
You’ve inspired me… I’m gonna do it!