Mummy Tummy friendly GYROTONICS

 click HERE to view Naomi Campbells gyrotonics workout  

This was featured on Oprah a few days ago.  I was VERY impressed that most of these – at least the ones I saw her doing were for the most part mummy tummy friendly.  The one where her legs are in a 90 degree angle, I would raise the feet closer to the head for that one, small of the back on the ground, but otherwise great.

I love workouts that lengthen the body AND and are “mummy tummy” friendly.  SO many workouts I see are NOT mummy tummy friendly, meaning they make the diastasis larger or CREATE one by the forward forceful movement of the abdominals.

Derived from words for “circle” and “stretch,” Gyrotonic works your body in a decidedly nonlinear way through a fusion of expressive-looking circular movements. Combining elements of dance, yoga, swimming, t’ai chi and gymnastics, it’s a liberating experience — a way to exercise outside the lines.

“There’s something about the 360-degree orientation that wakes up the spirit,” says Janet Rupp, a four-year Gyrotonic student at White Cloud studio in Boulder, Colo., who shifted to Gyrotonic from Pilates and hiking at age 58.

“It’s playful and fluid,” Rupp adds. “We tend to take ourselves so seriously. This adds lightness to life.”
“Gyrotonic brings that circular motion,” he says. “It’s unique in that you’re using your muscles throughout their range.”

“Gyrotonic increases the functional capacity of the entire organism,” says Matt Aversa, vice president and COO of the Gyrotonic International Headquarters. “Even if you’re just playing ping-pong, it helps.”

Gyrotonic is “more expansive” than yoga, says Gyrotonic Master Trainer Alice Diamond, who opened her Boulder, Colo., studio after studying personally with Horvath. “There’s more balance between strength and openness,” she says, “and more emphasis on rotation and spiraling movements.”
Aversa says Gyrotonic also differs from yoga and Pilates because there’s “no end point in the movements.” Pilates is more linear; yoga is more static; and Gyrotonic is both circular and fluid. In fact, Gyrotonic can actually accelerate advancement in your yoga practice, says Aversa, allowing you to get into difficult positions more easily.

Aversa also points out one way that Gyrotonic is different from toning or weight-training work: “In Gyrotonic we use resistance to open the body — to leverage rather than to build mass.”

Has anyone out there tried Gyrontonics?  Did you love it?  Did you do machines or non-machine gyrotonics?

Also, if you watch the link above to the video –  I thought the jumproping was a great tip to thin that part of the face!

One comment on “Mummy Tummy friendly GYROTONICS

  1. Robyn on

    I’ve never heart of gyrotonic! I should’ve watched Oprah! Sounds like something I would definitely be interested in, though…I’ll have to look into it!


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