My Maternity Photo Shoot – brilliant photographer!!

So allow me to indulge myself a little and show some AMAZING pics from my Maternity Shoot from a local photographer who I think has a REAL flair for doing creative and amazing pictures! Here is the site   – she does AMAZING work.  If she can make my 9 mo. preggo belly look good, she can do anything 🙂

6 comments on “My Maternity Photo Shoot – brilliant photographer!!

  1. Sharalea on

    Thank you, Bonnie! IT was so much fun to do this shoot, you look great! Good luck for these last few days of pregnancy…can’t wait to meet your littlest man!

  2. Amy on

    Beautiful photos!
    I just recently found the Tupler Technique and your blog! I am a 45 year old mother of 8- all natural births. I lost over 60 lbs after my last child’s birth 3 years ago with diet and interval/weight training. I got pretty lean except for the dreaded belly bulge! I have been so frustrated with this for so long…I started with the at home Tupler kit a week ago and I checked myself and believe to be 3-4-3. I have lost an inch at my waist- just below my ribcage- where do you measure your client’s waist? I am so inspired by your blog and your client’s progress and your results! I hope I am doing the seated Tuplers with good technique. Is this something you can check for on a skype session or does it need to be in person? I may try to meet with Dani Hammat- she’s an hour away.
    thanks again for your blog- it is really helping me to stay motivated!

  3. Bonnie Wayne on

    Personally I think in person is better than skype if POSSIBLE. So if I were you, if feasible, I would hook up with someone. But Skype is a good alternative for those living in an area where there is not a Tupler Technique licensed provider. Good luck!


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