Newspaper article about the Diastasis Rehab Lose Your Mummy Tummy ™ workshop

This article was written by a  reporter who took the 6 week workshop, from a licensed Trainer in Colorado.

Those of you that take my classes will notice some differences.

I personally do 6 and 8 weeks session classes, and privately train.  However, I am encorporating the workshop format next year.   It is similiar to my classes, but the 1st class is actually a seminar to educate you and familiarize you on what you need to do to restore your prepregnancy midsection, Tupler Technique Ab Rehab™, and what is entailed in closing the diastasis.

If some of you are wondering what other’s results are, you may want to check out her 1st hand experience! Also, very interesting what happened to her blood hematomas in her adbominal area…

Let me know what you think!

Also – I have gotten tons of new questions, which I will post on a couple of days.  I haven’t ignored your questions – don’t worry!

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