No fun Negotiating! I just need a place to train!!

So, I am peeved (sorry another rant post – I will try to be more postitive next post) and this seems like a good way to express it!

Since we moved across the Chicagoland area, it has become necessary for me to find another place to train my peeps. My former space – Velocity Sports – is 1 hour away. I have been putting off finding a place because I was getting moved in, catching up, blah blah – anyway now its time.

So Julie told me I should find a small yoga or pilates studio to train out of because they can usually use the extra money – win win situation – and they are pretty reasonable.

So I called this very awesome Yoga place, so it seemed. They have everything from Prenatal/Postnatal Yoga to Fertility Yoga (I learned today there is such a thing!) to Mom and Baby and Mom and Child Yoga, etc. It seemed like a IDEAL place to train people about the Diastasis. The lady I talked with seemed pumped about it – she is the co-owner. She talked about me going into all her classes and letting them know what I do and getting a clientelle base from her – high quality – clientelle. It seemed IDEAL!

And then we started talking about Rates and Money. Why does Money have to tarnish everything ? But there it is! From our conversation I gathered she didn’t have anyone not asking to work for her that was asking to “rent out a room.” She spoke about doing a flat fee – which sounded reasonable – I liked her rate.

After I erroneously mentioned my rate schedule with Julie, SUDDENLY she started talking about percentages, and getting a higher percentage when it was from her clientelle, and a percentage of my group sessions – which ended up being $75, on top of what I pay with my contract with Julie (5 to 25% depending). I mean SHEESH -it has to be worth it for me to drive 35 minutes to get to the place!! It has to be worth it to drop my kids off or pay someone to watch my kids! It has to be worth it to spend my time training when there are so many other demands on my schedule! Not to mention, no one else in IL is certified to teach this!

I spoke up that then it is no longer renting a room, its something else. But when I got a word like that in, she spoke more quickly and louder and how she has to be consistent with me how she is consistent to her massage therapists who give her a percentage, blah blah blah.

So I had to end the conversation because I was getting “wilty” – it was time for dinner, and she sucked all my energy reserves out of me. The conversation had been an hour. I had to digest (no pun intended) what we had discussed.

I emailed Julie the scenario and asked – am I out to lunch, or is that exorbitantly high, notwithstading that I would benefit from her clientelle? She said ABSOLUTELY that is too high, in NY she paid $20 flat fee – not matter how big or how small the people she is training. And in a recession she was appalled at this lady, who was OBVIOUSLY shooting from the hip to have suddenly changed her tune.

So, I am so glad to have a seasoned business women confirming that, because I am green around the ears with this kind of thing.

For heaven’s sake, I just want to (a few times a month) RENT A ROOM!!!

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