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Amazing Before and After Pics from 2014!

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LOTS of Fantastic Pics!

Currently 70% of my clients have hernias.

Within the 4 or 5 week duration of the workshop, I see a 50% to 100% reversal of the hernias in just that time alone!

I see on average an 70% to 100% improvement of the diastasis in just the 4 to 5 weeks alone!

Have you hit a wall with the Tupler Technique? Consider this…


Many people will email me expressing dismay that they have hit a wall.  They can’t figure out why.  This happened to me after my 2nd baby (of my 5) and I have seen many clients who this has happened to.  There could be MANY Reasons.  Lets do some troubleshooting:

Here are just SOME of them to consider:

  • Are you Getting baby in and out of crib correctly?  pack n play?
  • How are your body mechanics? Are you getting  up and down from couch correctly? Are you Jacknifing in or out of bed?  
  • Are you picking up things that are too heavy?  A heavy backpack?  Laundry basket too unweildly?  Baby carrier too heavy?  Stroller too heavy or unweildly?
  • Are you picking up your kids CORRECTLY?
  • Are you wearing a baby carrier?
  • Are you coughing/sneezing correctly?
  • Do you have a cold or vomiting sickness?
  • Are you carrying too many bags of groceries?
  • Are you Picking EVERYTHING up correctly – neutral spine/back, transverse to the spine at 5th floor?
  • Are you executing a Bbwel movement correctly – (transverse to the spine, open up pelvic floor)?
  • Are you Staying at 5th floor with ALL other exercises?  Lifting weights?  Crossfit movements?  Any side to side movements or twisting?  headlifts?
  • How many sets a day of tupler contractions are you doing?  Doing headlifts?  Are you being CONSISTANT?
  • Are you doing an exercise program that contains movements that causes a FOREWORD FORCEFULL movement of the abdominals/ can’t stay at the 5th floor with your transverse?
  • How is your techique of the exercises?  Is your lower or upper insertion of your transverse LAGGING behind the other one?

*98% of the time if someone is not progressing, I find they are jacknifing, often as a combination as one of these other culprits.  If you can FIND the culprit, you can shoot forward and continue progressing.Those incorrect body mechanics will get you EVERY time, because you do them SO OFTEN during your day, and usually EVERYDAY multiple times. Once you identify and CORRECT, you can finish the job of closing the diastasis recti and START HEALING!!


Fit Pregnancy Magazine, and upcoming Workshop starting in May!

JUST ANNOUNCED! Next Diastasis Rehab Lose Your Mummy Tummy® workshop!


 ALL FULL!!  Look for next workshop in August!

Class 1: Saturday May 17 2014 (9:00am – 11:45 am)
Class 2: Saturday May 31 2014 (9:00am – 10:30 am)
Class 3: Saturday Jun 14 2014 (9:00am – 10:45am)

(This is considered the Chicago Location for the workshop).

We have people from all over attend these – my workshops get people from MO, MI, WI, IL and IN!


I will take 10 people    2 MORE PEOPLE  this one.  First come, first serve.

This will be for you if you want to

  • Stop being asked if you look pregnant, even when its been weeks, months,years or decades since you have had a baby
  • Whittle down your waistline significantly
  • Reverse your hernia
  • Close your Diastasis Recti (Mummy Tummy)
  • Fix your belly button issues
  • Heal your connective tissue between your muscles
  • Learn how to keep splitting your recti at a minimum when pregnant
  • Improve your pelvic floor

Sign up is on the  right hand side of this site – via the paypal button or under “products” tab.

Can’t wait to see you there!!

ALSO….Look for me in the Summer Issue of FIT PREGNANCY MAGAZINE!!!!!!




At the request of one of my Skype clients, I am doing a BEST IMPROVED BELLY CONTEST for 2014!

The winner will win $100!

Kate side view, before and after.

Kate side view, before and after.

  1. *Take BEFORE picture – add caption labeled month and year (front view AND side view)
  2.  (instacap ap is great if taken from phone or tablet so we know its this year
  3. *After pic must be in SAME clothes – again with caption labeled month and year (front view AND side view)
  4. *if hernia – note in your submission
  5. *note in your submission how many sets of seated tuplers, headlifts you did
  6. *note in your submission if you wore a splint
  7. *submit on the contact area of my site
  8. *all submissions due by Dec 1 2014



Awesome new before and after pics from early fall 2013 Workshop!!

This cute mom in her 30s had the highest amount of inch loss in her waist I have seen – and in the shortest period of time.  She started out as a 34.5 inch waist, and got down to a 23.1 inch waist -11 1/2 inches in just FIVE WEEKS at the belly button. UNBELIEVABLE!!   I could tell her waist would go down quickly as the bulging in her belly was all ORGAN PROTRUSION!  I added up the inches in the three places in the 2nd way we measure the belly  – with measuring tape – at the belly button, 3 inches ablove the belly button, and 3 inches below the belly button – and it added up to an ASTOUNDING 22 inches lost!!!!  She is the title holder for the most inches lost in the midsection of any of my clients as well!

She started out as 4 fingerwidth diastasis in 3 areas – at the belly button, 3 inches above and 3 inches below.  Her DIASTASIS IS CLOSED in all three areas! You can also see the pronounced umbilical hernia right at the navel in her before picture.  Her HERNIA IS NOW REVERSED! A surgeon would tell you this is impossible.  But here is the proof!

This cute mom was a 4 fingerwidth diastasis in 2 areas of her diastasis recti, and a 3 fingerwidth diastasis in the 3rd area.  She CLOSED everything by week 3.  She has a hernia as you can see by her belly button – a slight umbilical hernia. It decreased by 70% so far – and should finish reversing in a couple weeks.  She lost FOUR inches at the belly button – from 30.25 inch waist to a 26.8 inch waist in 5 weeks!  You can also see the “bloated look” of the belly that was caused by organ protrusion has reverse and looks much better cosmetically and is also much better functionally as well!

 This cute mom joined the workshop later than all the other gals, so she had a 1 1/2 weeks LESS time than all the other moms and her results for 3 1/2 weeks is amazing!  Not only did she go down 3 inches at the belly button from a 29.5 inch waist to a 26.5 inch waist, she came down 8 inches over all the midsection and you can REALLY see a big difference!  She nearly closed her diastasis too in this short time.  It is closed in two places, with just a little more to go in the upper section of her diastasis!

 I Love seeing the huge differences in measurements and before and after pictures at my workshops.  These women work hard and they certainly see the fruits of their labors.  HERNIAS REVERSED, DIASTASIS RECTI closure, ORGAN PROTRUSION REVERSED, WAISTLINE SHRINKAGE!!  Don’t keep this a secret!  Let your midwives and OB GYNS in on the BEST KEPT SECRET to restoring the prepregnancy midsection – The TUPLER TECHNIQUE!!!!

More Amazing results post workshop – Crazy pictures, Hernias reversed, Waistlines imploded – after using the Tupler Technique to close the Diastasis Recti!

We had some crazy awesome results again after this last workshop to close the diastasis recti, reverse hernias, and significantly bring the waistline in! CHECK OUT ALL THE RESULTS AND PICS!













Client NH is a mom of 2 kids.  She is in her  late 20s/early 30s.  She was tired of the postpregnancy pooch.  She followed the program – wore the splint, did her exercises (specifically the seated Tupler Contractions and Elevators), watched her body mechanics –and her stomach just completely inverted.  You can see what a big difference there was in just 4 weeks!  She started seeing very noticeable difference just in 2 weeks! 10.5 inches lost across the midsection – including nearly 5 inches JUST at the waist!!


Week 1
Week 4





AFTER:  4 weeks


AFTER: 4 weeks
Client MS is a mom of twins.  After she had twins she felt like her stomach just never went back to normal.  She also had a hernia.  She also followed the program exactly –following the Guidebook, wearing the Splint evening and night, watching her body mechanics –how she gets up and down correctly.  We noticed huge changes in only 2 weeks as well, with great results at the end of the 4 weeks. Her waistline shrunk considerably and very quickly.  Especially notable is the 8 with Very Deep connective tissue, and Now closed!  Also note on the Lower area of the diastasis – 8 fingerwidth diastasis again – and now CLOSED!! NINE inches lost across the midsection, including 4 inches at the waistline – now just 24 inch WAIST!!
Week 1
Week 4
0.75  VS
Closed to 1.5
Closed  S





AFTER:  4 weeks
AFTER 4 weeks


Client NS is a mom of 5 – she had one of the biggest diastasis recti I have worked with – being 12 fingerwidths separation in the middle.  Even though she was only able to attending 2 of the 3 days of the workshop, her diastasis went down from a 12 to a 4 in just 4 weeks.  Not only that, but on the lower area of the diastasis she went from a 10 fingerwidth gap to a 1!!  That is considered “clinically closed!”  A surgeon would tell you this is impossible.  Usually for a person with such a wide diastasis the mind-body connection to the muscle is very faint.  She was able to overcome this quickly and her belly area started shrinking so quickly she called me up after 2 weeks telling me her splint didn’t fit right – she had already gone down 7 inches in the upper area of the belly we measure – which quickly brought her down to needing a smaller size!  You can see the vivid difference in the belly shape after only 4 weeks!  This client also had an umbilical hernia and it decreased in size by 70% in only 4 weeks! FOURTEEN inches lost across the midsection in all!  STUNNING!
Week 1
Week 4





AFTER:  4 weeks


AFTER 12 weeks


Client MN is a mom of 1.  She wanted to get that last part of her body in order after the baby.  She worked out very regularly, but just couldn’t get the stomach in shape no matter what she did.  She had a significant diastasis – which is why she couldn’t get that last piece of the puzzle.  Not only did she close her diastasis after following the Guidebook program, wearing the Splint, good body mechanics – she got down to a 24 inch waist, which is what she was when she got married – a big goal to achieve after motherhood!  Her abs are rock solid and in excellent condition!  Note on her results – she came down a full 10 inches on the lower measurement of her waist – from 38 to 27.8 inches!! WOW! FOURTEEN inches lost across the midsection!  AMAZING!

Week 1
Week 4

There are always so many great results I want to post them all!!  But I like to give an overview from all the different circumstances – some with hernias, some without, some who have had multiples (we had FOUR women this past workshop who had twins!), some who have just one child, some who are older women, some who are younger.  It spans a huge range!  Whether you have had a baby 3 days ago or 30 YEARS ago – this is the ONLY way to go to get your belly BACK!!!