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Kettlebells for ABS? Not so much – beware the postpartum body!

So I see some NOT great things with kettlebells, especially for my postpartum gals!  One of these exercises is great, the other three – NO!  (The formatting is being weird for me – click below video)

Kettlebell Exercises for the Abs – — powered by ehow

In this video, I LOVE the first exercise for those of you with a diastasis, but who have already started STRENGTHENING the transverse with the Seated Tuplers.  If you can hold you transverse at the 5th floor, you are good to go for this one!

The second exercise in this video…UMM…a big NO for those of you with a diastasis!  WHY you ask?  Because of the SHEARING motion – it will make your diastasis worse!  IF you DONT have a diastasis anymore, this one should be fine, although I don’t like the rounded shoulder motion  – there is too much of that in everyday life that we have to undo!

The brings me to my complaint of the THIRD exercise – too much ROUNDING of the shoulder!  I work SO hard with my clients to undo that ROUNDED SHOULDER – such a problem for mom doing all those tasks that round the shoulders – nursing, feeding babies, food prep, computer, changing diapers – we need to constantly focus on opening up the chest and strengthening that upper back to CORRECT IT!  Also – look CLOSELY at this ladies abs – there is a FOREWARD FORCEFUL MOTION – which can CREATE  a diastasis!

My experience with kettlebells are to generally steer clear. Having said that I sometimes see decent exercises, but I feel too many of them are jarring for the shoulder complex in general, rounding of the shoulder,  and are prone to creating a foreward forceful motion of the abs! Some of the places I train at – when I see other trainers doing these with clients and see what is going on with their clients abs – I JUST CRINGE!!!! YIKES!

Tupler Technique® Article in REAL SIMPLE MAGAZINE!!

More and more articles are being posted – getting the word out about the Tupler Technique ®.

One of the girls in my class last night asked me if I had seen the article about it in JANUARY REAL SIMPLE MAGAZINE?  I just got sent the info about it today from Diastasis Rehab headquarters!

There was also an article in JANUARY VOGUE   in Spanish.

The word continues to get out!!

ALL NEW Before and After Pictures – DIastasis Recti and Waist Size down to 23"!

You might remember client MJ from several posts ago.  But I thought a separate post was warranted with her results…there are several things to add, along with the new pictures!

 Not only did Client MJ, who initially had 2 C sections and an umbilical hernia get down to a
23 3/4 INCH WAIST (week 6 picture shown at 24 inches), AND her DIASTASIS RECTI is CLOSED, but HER HERNIA ALSO POPPED BACK IN!! 

Week 1
Week 2
Week 6
24 3/8
2 VS
Week 12
23 3/4
.25 VS
WEEK 6 – 24 in wasit

DAY 1 -27 inch waist
WEEK 6 – 24 inch Waist

check your belly before you wreck your belly – STAY TUNED FOR MONDAY GLOBAL PRESS RELEASE..

To receive a media pass for the Monday, December 5, 1:00pm ET press briefing, contact:

Julie Huang, Kaimen Company for Tupler Inc.

(888) 989-8808 x703

Twitter: @huangjulie

Check Your Belly Before You Wreck Your Belly
Global Public Service Announcement

  Press Briefing in NYC will be live and streamed from on Monday, December 5, 1:00pm ET –

Info Card on “How to Check Your Belly” and the “Nurse’s Note” to Give to Fitness Instructors will both be available for download on Monday, December 5 –

Calendar of Free Belly Checks will be posted online on Monday, December 5 –

New York, NY, December 2, 2011Just in time for the 2012 New Year, Tupler Inc. today launches the “Check Your Belly Before You Wreck Your Belly” global public service announcement to ask that everyone check their bellies for a diastasis, a separation of the outermost abdominal muscles, before starting any new workout regimen. This announcement includes a live press briefing from Union Square, New York City, that will be streamed from on Monday, December 5, 1:00pm ET.

The Twitter handle is @diastasisrehab and the Twitter hashtag is #checkyourbelly.

“When your belly gets worse or won’t go away with exercise, it may not be fat. It may be your organs sticking out,” said Julie Tupler, RN, the creator of the Tupler Technique® and President of Tupler Inc. “Checking your belly for a diastasis before starting your New Year’s fitness resolution may be one of the smartest things you can do for yourself because it may help stop you from wrecking your belly. At our press briefing on Monday, we will show you how to check your belly for a diastasis. If you know you have a diastasis, then there are certain exercises to avoid because these exercises may make the belly even bigger. When the abdominal muscles separate the connective tissue stretches sideways and becomes weaker. When you do planks and crunches, you are creating intra-abdominal pressure that pushes against the connective tissue. This force makes the separation larger. Trauma to this abdominal connective tissue can tear it away from the muscle and cause a ventral hernia.”

She continued, “As part of our Check Your Belly Before You Wreck Your Belly Campaign, we have created new easy-to-use informational materials to make it easier for women, men, and children to check their bellies for a diastasis and understand the dangers of unchecked bellies. I’ve personally signed a “Nurse’s Note” that you can download on Monday from and give to your fitness professional or child’s gym teacher to be excused from doing planks or crunches.”

About the Check Your Belly Before You Wreck Your Belly Campaign The Check Your Belly Before You Wreck Your Belly, sponsored by Tupler Inc., consists of three key program elements all of which will be made available on Monday, December 5.

1. Live Press Briefing on December 5 at 1:00pm ET in New York which will also be webcast from
2. Free downloadable materials on, including:

  • Wallet-sized “Check Your Belly Before You Wreck Your Belly” informational card
  • Wallet-sized “Nurse’s Note” to give to fitness professionals
  • Tupler Technique® Tips with helpful hints on the 4 step program

3. A calendar of where and when free belly checks will take place and done by these licensed Tupler Technique® providers:

Illinois and




Montana New York and and


Washington and www.thetummyteam.comAustralia and

If you are a medical or fitness professional and would like to license the program and bring this program to your area, please contact (212) 388-1308 or for more information.

Schedule of Activities on December 5
All activities listed below take place at the Seafarers & International House, located at 123 E. 15th St, 2nd Floor, on Monday, December 5.

1:00pm Press Briefing, which will be broadcast
Main presenter: Julie Tupler, RN
2:00pm – 5:00pm EveryBelly
® Seminar with Julie Tupler, RN

Julie Tupler, RN will lead a three-hour EveryBelly® Seminar using the Tupler Technique®.You can register online at with code “Check” to save $15. Everyone registered can bring a friend for free.

About the Tupler Technique®
A protruding belly in women, men, and children may be a sign of diastasis, a condition where the outer abdominal muscles separate. The Tupler Technique ®
 created by Julie Tupler, RN, is the only evidence- and research-based exercise program available for EveryBelly® and can heal
diastasis for any belly. For more information about the
Tupler Technique®, its products and programs, please visit the website at

Just when you think you have seen it all! A Miraculous 9 inches in 8 weeks – All from closing the diastasis recti through the Tupler Technique

Are you pregnant ?  When are you expecting?  These are all VERY ANNOYING questions that a women gets when she has a diastasis recti.  Can anything be more reprehensible or a bigger blow to one’s self esteem?  With that…

Client TM experienced those same questions just 8 weeks ago…







Week 1

33 1/2




Week 4




Week 6





Weel 8

 24 1/2




This client BLEW ME AWAY with her results.All I can say is “WOW!”This client has 2 young kids and is in her early 30s.Her husband is a dentist who now tells his patients about me and the Tupler Technique.Client TM was of small build – about 5’2 and had a 33 ½ inch waist.She has not stuck with any other exercise program – this one would be a first for her.She had shoulder issues when she first began –holding SO much tension in the shoulders to compensate for her weak transverse muscle.She splinted ALL THE TIME (morning and night) and by the end had IMPECCABLE technique.EVERYONE NOTICED ! By the 6th week I noticed something dramatic – as we proceeded with the workout I commented, “You look SO SKINNY!”IT was such a huge change.And no wonder – by week 6 she had already lost EIGHT INCHES in her waist!AND SHE WASN’T DONE CLOSING HER Diastasis Recti!

By week 8, not only did she almost close her diastasis, SHE LOST NINE INCHES to be an itty bitty 24 ½ inch IDEAL SIZE waist !

Upcoming Tupler Technique Worldwide press conference!!

So many people ask me – why doesn’t EVERYONE know about the Tupler Technique? Why doesn’t my doctor know? Why didn’t my midwife tell me? Why doesn’t my physical therapist know about it? Why doesn’t my personal trainer know about it?

For the first time in its existance, there will be a WORLDWIDE press conference about the Tupler Technique -for EVERYONE to educate them on their diastasis – what it IS, what to DO about it, and How to attend a (free!) “Belly Check” event.
With the New Year right around the corner, I’m part of a global belly check campaign to get everyone to check their belly before they start their new work out regimen. Learn why some workouts make the belly worse and possibly bigger.

Global Public Service Announcement to ask everyone to check their bellies for a diastasis (a separation of the outermost abdominal muscles) before starting any new workout regimen. Informational materials will be made available.

Monday, December 5 at 12 noon CST


Live webcast from New York City.

To participate in person, contact or (888) 989-8808 x703
To participate via web – visit


This public service announcement is produced by Tupler Inc.

This is VERY exciting!  I will be following up with this press conference by holding THREE BELLY CHECKS at various locations in the Chicagoland area in the beginning and mid January.  They are FREE for anyone to come and see if they have a diastasis.

 The first location will be at Cornish Chiropractic on Jan 14th from 9 to 11:30 AM in Yorkville, IL.

 The other locations will be posted following a few i’s dotted and t’s crossed!


Tell everyone you know about it – so they can do something about it!  Tell you OB, your midwife, your PT, your family, your sisters, your friends – if you have received benefit by (FINALLY) figuring out you had a diastasis, and have seen the benefit of the Tupler Technique –

NEW! BEFORE and AFTER Diastasis Recti Pictures and results with Tupler Technique

So I have seen some pretty ROCKIN results lately!  Just when you think you have seen it all, people blow all the prior results out of the water!  And pictures to boot!



Week 1
Week 2
Week 4
Week 6
24 3/8
2 VS
This client has 2 young kids and in her early 40s. She is a VERY regular gym-goer who started out with a size 27 inch waist.  The catch was, people would still ask if she was pregnant because of her shape.  I am posting her before and after pics of just ONE WEEK – but I will edit them when she gives me her latest.  She is now a 24 3/8 inch waist.  Who would EVER think they could break into the 24 inch waistline realm.  SUPER MODELS go for the 24 inch waist!! She has also NEARLY closed her diastasis.  She is a 2 VERY SHALLOW 3 inches below her belly button – her connective tissue is nearly healed.  She did her 10 sets of 100 Seated Tupler Contractions each day and wore her splint religiously. So congrats MJ on your progress!
Client KM
Week 1
Week 4
Week 6
This client is a mom in her upper 40s.  Her three children are grown.  There is NO STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS!!  I was amazed at KM’s progress!  She will be sending me her pictures which I will put in place.  KM has an umbilical hernia, and has had a stubborn midsection for a long time and finally felt it was time to “do something for herself” and take care of it finally.  She came down SEVEN INCHES within 6 weeks.  She wore her splint religiously, had GREAT technique and did 6 to 10 sets of 100 Seated Tuplers each day.  Her diastasis is CLOSED!!!  She is on fire to let other women know about this!  SPREAD THE WORD PEOPLE!

Postpartum Hair Loss Blues – who would have thought the answer …Nori and other seaweed?!?!

So the wonderful 3 1/2 month postpartum hair loss hit – so fun…NOT!  I had forgotten what it was like to comb my hair and have handfuls coming out with the hairbrush.

All day long I  search for the elusive tickle on my arm – which I absolutely hated.  It was a never-ending arm tickle since the hair kept freely coming out of my head.  I was very sad with each strand – like I was being deserted.  It was close to the same feeling I had when I killed several of our new fruit trees this year…but worse.

I had been told, of all things, SEA WEED, is great to EAT to help with this.  Even though I had NORI – roasted seaweed which is used to cover sushi rolls and california rolls – in my cupboard, I kept forgetting to use it.

Finally, one day in desperation from my 1 1/2 months of hair loss, I cut up the NORI into little strips and put it into my soup.  It shrinks down very quickly – just a slightly different taste to my soup.  I did that for a couple of days and WHALAH! Only one or two strands came out of my head, versus 50 or 60.  From literally one day to the next.  With my prior 3 babes – the hairloss continued for several months or longer.  I am still nursing so I know the hormones are still super low (which can contribute to postpartum hair loss).

There are so many benefits to seaweed – I had no idea.  They have Omega 3s (good for brain and- postpartum depression) a ton of Calcium, Vitamin C, Iodine, and many things a women’s body needs postpartum. It can even aid weight loss, and it contributes to healthy skin – and I know I always have MANY questions on skin health for the belly. Here are several links to how Seaweed helps with postpartum hairloss and hair loss in general
This one talks of Nori helping hair growth  and
This link talks of a girl caring around Nori squares with her, which helped her hair growth and
This link has several scientific references and for Nori helping with hair growth and other benefits and
This link has 29 benefits of sea vegetables- including weight loss, hair growth, erases cellulite, and is great for skin

So – my great find this week ?  At Trader Joes they have Roasted Seaweed Snack Packs, which according to my store, they are new – and if you click on this link HERE it tells their story of them.  There are two flavors – regular and wasabi.  I mistakenly got mostly Wasabi and HELLLOOOO – can we say NASAL PASSAGE CLEARING – wow!  But if you are into food with a kick – its a good one. The regular ones are kind of like salty flaky chips. At first it feels a little weird to be snacking on seaweed – it feels so …unAmerican or something…but they grown on you.  The REAL BEAUTY is they are only $.99 – thats it!  Super cheap.  I grabbed 7 packages or so.  If you don’t live by Trader Joes, you can get them Amazon or MAKE YOUR OWN.

My kids were very intrigued.  I woke up a couple mornings ago to something I never thought would come out of ANY 6 year old boy’s mouth, let alone mine. “Mommy, can I have some seaweed?” Can we say TWILIGHT ZONE? Am I still dreaming?

But I am forever glad I was told me about Nori helping with postpartum hair loss (Thanks Tami!)- so I felt I had to pass it on.  It certainly nipped it in the bud for me after cute baby #4 – within 24 to 48 hours.  And if something so cheap and accessible can help and I can keep as much hair on my head as possible (and make it grow back lush and healthy looking)- I am keeping my cupboards amply stocked!

Fantastic Results healing the diastasis recti through the Tupler Technique®

To those of you who have been told surgery is the only option – look no further!!  I see amazing results everyday!!  Look at your other options!  I have seen so many great results recently, and I wanted to post a few of them!

Client SD: 
This client is in her low 30s.  She is a mom of 2 kids, and had an OUTTIE belly button.  In only 2 weeks, here is what happened with her:
Week 1
29 3/4
Week 2
28 1/8
Her belly button issues have totally been resolved!  Instead of feeling the need to put tape over her belly button, her connective tissue was drawn inward and healed nicely, as well as her diastasis coming together signifigantly ESPECIALLY for just 2 weeks!!  Not her waist size is down more than 1 ½ inches!  !  She did 10 sets of 100 of Seated Tupler Contractions everyday, AND wore the splint.
Client HB
This client is also in her low 30s.  She also has 2 kids, and had C sections.
Week 1
28 3/8
Week 2
26 7/16
This client is clinically closed – but I know we can close that upper the rest of the way.  Her technique was fantastic and in only TWO WEEKS she has gone down 1 ½ inches as well!  She did 10 sets of 100 of Seated Tupler Contractions everyday, AND wore the splint.
Client SH
This client is 41 and has 2 kids.  She in below her prepregnancy weight, eats PRIMAL, and works out with a personal trainer 4 times a week, and does a video the rest of the week (and now works with me).  She literally just had the last piece of the puzzle to go – her belly.  Unbeknownst to her, she had a large hernia, extending 4 ½ inches along her connective tissue.  It protruded out 1 ¾ inches with just a little movement in her abdominal region.
Week 1
4 1/4
Week 8
The big news here is the hernia!!  Her waist is looking much better, and the diastasis, especially in the lower region has significantly gone down.  But the HERNIA…!  It is now only 2 ¾ in length, and protrudes only .25 inches – a FRACTION of what it was both in length and in depth!!! She has been fairly consistent with 10 sets of 100 and wears her splint religiously!
Client SH #2
This client (different than the previous) is in her late 20s.  She had twins 7 years ago via C section, and a 3 child via C section.  She is a doula (my doula actually!) and wanted to put things back together again. 
Week 1
29 3/8
Week 4
27 3/4
3 shallow
Only working with this client 2 times – she had AMAZING results!!  She brought her 8 down to 3 shallow – meaning her connective tissue is really healing nicely and it shouldn’t be too long before its totally together.  Her other areas are looking much better as well – AND she lost 2 inches in her waist.  She did the 10 sets of 100 Seated Tupler Contractions and wore her splint.  Moms of Multiples –pay attention!!  You can SO do this!!

More results and pictures to come!!  It is so rewarding to see amazing progress, to see the hope restored in the women I work with, and to help restore their midsection!!!

What exercises can i do with a Diastasis Recti? Cardio? Sports? Abs? For Arms? Legs? Obliques?

So have you freaked out because you have a diastasis recti and don’t know what exercises you should do?

First, of COURSE, you should do the Tupler Technique® for at least 6 weeks WITHOUT other exercises.  This will adequately strengthen your trasnverse, start healing your connective tissue, AND close the gap without possibility (and PROBABILITY) of stalling your progress.

I did have one client who played soccer – she LOVED it.  Soccer is a fantastic sport – I have my own son in soccer.  However, the moves, dives, positions she would put her body into would compromise her diastasis recti, which was 4 [fingerwidths] on top, 4 in middle, and 3 on the bottom.  She progressed with me in 6 weeks only one fingerwidth of closure in the middle because her transverse was not strong enough to sustain the other movements she was doing.  Sad also because her “belly” was the last piece of the puzzle for her.

So lets talk about what you CAN do.  I have addressed this also somewhat HERE talking about planks, pilates and push ups, You also already know CRUNCHES are a joke and should be avoided at all cost, but there really is so much more to talk about!  Having read a couple forums and discussion boards I see this is a topic of concern.

Second you must SPLINT with the Diastasis Rehab® Splint while doing the following exercises or you will COMPROMISE your results.  I see it ALL the time!  Many of my clients who LOVE to run (which is NOT me) will run with their splints and the splints will get nasty and sweaty.  So they will get one for the sweaty stuff, and one to wear everywhere else.  
NOW lets say you have strengthened for the 6 weeks, your gap is closed or close to being closed, what next?
  1. DYNA  BANDS: I LOVE dyna bands (also called resistance bands but WITHOUT the handles).   I do sitting exercises for arms with my clients with these and also standing ones.  
  2. WEIGHTS are ok.  They tend to be harder on their joints and you can readily change them as fast as you cant let out or bring in a band based on the ability of your trasnverse to stay AT THE 5th FLOOR THE ENTIRE TIME. 
  3. WORK ARMS DIFFERENTLY: When working arms I find it beneficial to see which arm of my clients is the weaker arm (usually but NOT always is the hand they don’t use as often).  To work the arms with the same weights in most cases just seems silly to me.  People tend to have better developed shoulders, biceps and forearms on the side of the hand  they use most.  So why work them the same?  Better to even them out then to end up with weird compensations in your body to make up for the unevenness. 
  4. SQUEEZE SHOULDERBLADES:  Also its important to make sure you do arm exercises that will not ROUND  your shoulders.  We women tend to have VERY rounded shoulders and horrible posture because of nursing, computer work, holding kids…  Exercises that will facilitate squeezing the shoulder blades together will be VERY beneficial for the postural element…which will help your whole appearance (and SAVE your back).
  1. PILATES: This will surprise many based on my outspokenness on the pitfalls of Pilates, but SIDELYING pilates are for the most part pretty great!  I do avoid the scissors for the most part with sidelying as I find the transverse becomes disengaged quite easily.  The Windsor Pilates has some great sidelying options – just be ON GUARD of your transverse becoming disengaged…then you will know you should NOT be doing that one…skip to the next. (By the way – Joseph Pilates had a diastasis recti – I would estimate at about 4 fingerwidths.  There is a great picture we show at the workshops..)
  2. WEIGHTS with legs are fine AS LONG AS you can hold the transverse at the 5th floor.  If you can’t, cut the rep short, or do the reps with less weight.

  1. RUNNING/WALKING:  It is FANTASTIC to be doing walking and running while doing the Tupler Technique, even in the 1st 6 weeks.  I put on my shape up shoes and walk with my hubby every chance I get – good for the body and the soul.  
  2. KICKBOXING beware – Many of these move need to be done only  AFTER the diastasis is closed.  However, there are SOME tweaks you can make – not punching ACROSS your body, but right in front will eliminate the danger or SHEARING your diastasis recti.  Kicks can be ok – just beware the ones that go from the left to the right side of your body – which will also cause shearing.  They are fine After you close the diastasis.  However, there are many kicks that stay on one side and these should be fine with your diastasis recti (as LONG AS your trasnverse can stay at the 5th floor).
  3. KARATE AND TAEKWONDO– I would say the same as above.  Most of the martial arts you will want to do AFTER you close your diastasis recti.
  4. STEP class GREAT!
  5. SPIN class GREAT!
  7. AVOID THE ABS they do in these classes.
  1. Yoga – mostly great. 
  2. Avoid the Chataranga or modify it by putting one knee on the ground. 
  3. Watch in the Triangle that you don’t let your transverse out of the 5th floor position.    
  4. Avoid the abs they do in those classes, and don’t get in and out of poses by jacknifing!

  1. Most the ones I see CPTs do with clients or in classes involve a side to side motion.  AVOID THOSE as they will shear the diastasis recti and make it bigger.
  2. You can lay on your side, body elongated and in a slight pike position, and do the Tupler Contractions from 5th to the 6th floor.  Make sure your waist is elevated.

Basketball – great!  Beneficial to do more AFTER the first 6 weeks of the Tupler Technique® program.
Soccer – great! Beneficial to do more AFTER the first 6 weeks of the Tupler Technique® program.
Swimming – Beneficial to do more AFTER the first 6 weeks of the Tupler Technique® program.
Water aerobics – Beneficial to do more AFTER the first 6 weeks of the Tupler Technique® program. 
Tennis – WAIT UNITL AFTER the diastasis recti is closed!!  To much side to side shearing of the diastasis recti.
Baseball – great! Beneficial to do more AFTER the first 6 weeks of the Tupler Technique® program.
Golf-  WAIT UNITL AFTER the diastasis recti is closed!!  To much side to side shearing of the diastasis recti.

What other exercises do you have questions on doing with a diastasis recti or after you have closed it to avoid reopening? I’m ALL EARS!!