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My Before and After picture of Diastasis Recti after baby #4

So AS PROMISED I am posting my before and after pics of my belly with baby #4.  Here the before picture of my belly is actually going to be my pregnancy belly.  I wanted to take a really great ugly shot of my abs after baby #4 since my waist was a full 2 inches bigger after baby #4  – it was 34 rather than 32.  However, in my state of sleep deprivation and healing I failed to get that super ugly shot!

In this pregnancy shot – pregnant with baby #4, and my biggest baby of the crew, you can see the gully right at the belly button – which is my Diastasis Recti:   This time it got to a 4 fingerwidths in the middle, and 3 fingerwidths on top, and 3 fingerwidths on the bottom.

Here is another belly shot where you can see how stretched out my belly got, you can see the outline of my diastasis at the weakest point of the connective tissue – the belly button.  

Here is my recent after – I still have that last inch to go to get to 25 1/2 inches (currently at 26 1/2 inch waist)- but its a work in progress.  This was taken 9 weeks after birth after closing my diastasis recti in week 6 and toning with the Tupler Technique®:  I did 10 sets of 100 Seated Tuplers every day until my diastasis was closed.  I also wore my Diastasis Rehab® Splint very diligently.  I think that was a big factor to have closed my diastasis faster than after my 3rd pregnancy, when I didn’t wear the Splint nearly as often.

So that is that!  Another baby down, another diastasis conquered!  

My Before and After picture of Diastasis Recti after baby #4

So AS PROMISED I am posting my before and after pics of my belly with baby #4.  Here the before picture of my belly is actually going to be my pregnancy belly.  I wanted to take a really great ugly shot of my abs after baby #4 since my waist was a full 2 inches bigger after baby #4  – it was 34 rather than 32.  However, in my state of sleep deprivation and healing I failed to get that super ugly shot!

In this pregnancy shot – pregnant with baby #4, and my biggest baby of the crew, you can see the gully right at the belly button – which is my Diastasis Recti:   This time it got to a 4 fingerwidths in the middle, and 3 fingerwidths on top, and 3 fingerwidths on the bottom.

Here is another belly shot where you can see how stretched out my belly got, you can see the outline of my diastasis at the weakest point of the connective tissue – the belly button.  

Here is my recent after – I still have that last inch to go to get to 25 1/2 inches (currently at 26 1/2 inch waist)- but its a work in progress.  This was taken 9 weeks after birth after closing my diastasis recti in week 6 and toning with the Tupler Technique®:  I did 10 sets of 100 Seated Tuplers every day until my diastasis was closed.  I also wore my Diastasis Rehab® Splint very diligently.  I think that was a big factor to have closed my diastasis faster than after my 3rd pregnancy, when I didn’t wear the Splint nearly as often.

So that is that!  Another baby down, another diastasis conquered!  

Belly after Twins and Triplets= Major Diastasis Recti after Multiples

Lets face it – having twins or triplets (not to mention just ONE child) can REALLY do a number on your belly!  Apart from the stretch marks, the loose skin, and most likely a C section scar, you have to deal with the elephant in the room – The gap in the recti muscles – the diastasis recti!

Needless to say, several of my clients are moms of multiples.  I can’t fathom having multiples and NOT knowing the Tupler Technique®!!

One of my moms in my classes right now is the biggest diastasis I personally have ever worked with – it was 10 fingerwidths apart.  This mom is in her upper 30s and has twins – they were both a little over 5 lbs when born. She is about 5 ‘4.  I had actually run out of Diastasis Rehab® Splints by the time I got to her and I felt terrible!  Here was someone who needed the Splint worse than anyone I had ever worked with and I ran out!  I ordered new ones but they didn’t come in time for the class that next week!  I felt even worse!  I got them in the next day but had to wait the full week to see her again to get her splinted.  She STILL managed to bring her 10 fingerwidth diastasis recti to a 7 in the middle in 2 calendar weeks withOUT a splint, which is really incredible.

UPDATE:  As of 1 week after this post, this woman diminished her diastasis by half,with the help of the Splint, and 5 to 8 sets of 100 Seated Tuplers per day, and good body mechanics (getting up and down correctly, keeping transverse in on the work part of EVERYTHING she did – lifting kids, doing exercises, etc).

  Just 3 weeks ago, she was the largest diastasis I have worked with at 10 fingerwidths, and 3 calendar weeks later – she is a 5 Semi SHALLOW (meaning her diastasis is no longer the deep cavern it once was – it is diminished to  a shallow gap.  AMAZING!  Most Ob gyns and Surgeons would have told her she would DEFINITELY need surgery.  Proven wrong once more!!
 She told me tonite she noticed her pants fit SO much better and her waist feels much smaller.

Usually the thing I run into with people that have had multiples is that their recti are so split (if they didn’t do the Tupler Technique® DURING pregnancy) that their mind-body connection of the muscle is completely nil.  The Diastasis Recti® Splint not only approximates the muscle so the exercises are more effective, but it helps with the mind body connection BECAUSE the muscles are more approximated – its a great synergistic effect. 

Of course most OB GYNs would refer the moms of multiples to a surgeon with a diastasis recti, and most surgeons would tell you that surgery is the only way to go.  Like I have mentioned in previous posts, most medical professionals only learn about the diastasis recti for a PARAGRAPH in med school.  When they do residency, their mentors refer these patients to a surgeon, so that is what THEY do.  The process is perpetuated.  And surgeons CAN* fix a diastasis recti but artifically sewing weak muscles together – but without strengthening and having the right body mechanics (getting up and down properly, lying in and out of bed preperly and avoiding crunches and other bad abdominals) they can blow RIGHT through their stitches and the recti can also resplit (not to mention the high risk of infection and lengthy recovery time).

But moms of multiples do NOT NEED a surgeon to fix their diastasis recti or mummy tummy – they can learn to train to transverse muscle to bring the two halves of the recti together!   This can be done DURING AND AFTER pregnancy!  The Tupler Technique® is so important for  putting your body (specifically your belly) back together again, getting rid of the back pain (by closing the recti and strengthening the transverse), and essentially restoring your pre-pregnancy midsection! 

So moms of multiples – DONT get discouraged over your “Mummy Tummy” – the Tupler Technique is the absolute BEST thing you can do for your body!!  Your weird belly button issues can BE RESOLVED!  You DONT NEED surgery – training your muscles to bring the recti together are SUCH A NECESSITY for you!!

Many people ask about loose skin – skin is age and genetics (although contouring creme can be a welcome addition) – but the muscles and connective tissue healed underneath the skin will improve GREATLY the look of your skin.  Staying hydrated and eating things that keep your skin more elastic will help – think dark green veggies, lemon water, and good HEALTHY protein – fish, soy, etc.

All of you moms of multiples out there – what questions do you have about your bellies, your abs, or any other body-restoring question?   Lets bring to light all those questions that will help you put yourself BACK TOGETHER again after having your multiples!!

Belly after Twins and Triplets= Major Diastasis Recti after Multiples

Lets face it – having twins or triplets (not to mention just ONE child) can REALLY do a number on your belly!  Apart from the stretch marks, the loose skin, and most likely a C section scar, you have to deal with the elephant in the room – The gap in the recti muscles – the diastasis recti! 

Needless to say, several of my clients are moms of multiples.  I can’t fathom having multiples and NOT knowing the Tupler Technique®!! 

One of my moms in my classes right now is the biggest diastasis I personally have ever worked with – it was 10 fingerwidths apart.  This mom is in her upper 30s and has twins – they were both a little over 5 lbs when born. She is about 5 ‘4.  I had actually run out of Diastasis Rehab® Splints by the time I got to her and I felt terrible!  Here was someone who needed the Splint worse than anyone I had ever worked with and I ran out!  I ordered new ones but they didn’t come in time for the class that next week!  I felt even worse!  I got them in the next day but had to wait the full week to see her again to get her splinted.  She STILL managed to bring her 10 fingerwidth diastasis recti to a 7 in the middle in 2 calendar weeks withOUT a splint, which is really incredible.

Usually the thing I run into with people that have had multiples is that their recti are so split (if they didn’t do the Tupler Technique® DURING pregnancy) that their mind-body connection of the muscle is completely nil.  The Diastasis Recti® Splint not only approximates the muscle so the exercises are more effective, but it helps with the mind body connection BECAUSE the muscles are more approximated – its a great synergistic effect. 

Of course most OB GYNs would refer the moms of multiples to a surgeon with a diastasis recti, and most surgeons would tell you that surgery is the only way to go.  Like I have mentioned in previous posts, most medical professionals only learn about the diastasis recti for a PARAGRAPH in med school.  When they do residency, their mentors refer these patients to a surgeon, so that is what THEY do.  The process is perpetuated.  And surgeons CAN* fix a diastasis recti but artifically sewing weak muscles together – but without strengthening and having the right body mechanics (getting up and down properly, lying in and out of bed preperly and avoiding crunches and other bad abdominals)  and strengthening their transverse with the Tupler Technique® they can blow RIGHT through their stitches and the recti can also resplit (not to mention the high risk of infection and lengthy recovery time). 

But surgery is NOT NEEDED to fix this condition!  EVEN IF THE RECTI ARE SPLIT TO 10 FINGERWIDTHS!  And you can start doing the Tupler Technique® DURING your pregnancy, and within 1 week if you had a C section, and within 24 hours if you had a vaginal delivery.

So moms of multiples – DONT get discouraged over your “Mummy Tummy” – the Tupler Technique is the absolute BEST thing you can do for your body!!  Your weird belly button issues can BE RESOLVED! Your back problems can be addressed by working your recti and transverse muscles proplerly through the Tupler Technique®. You DONT NEED surgery – training your muscles to bring the recti together are SUCH A NECESSITY for you!!

Many people ask about loose skin – skin is age and genetics (although contouring creme can be a welcome addition) – but the muscles and connective tissue healed underneatht he skin will improve GREATLY the look of your skin.  Staying hydrated and eating things that keep your skin more elastic will help – think dark green veggies, lemon water, and good HEALTHY protein – fish, soy, etc.

All of you moms of multiples out there – what questions do you have about your bellies, your abs, or any other body-restoring question?   Lets bring to light all those questions that will help you put yourself BACK TOGETHER again after having your multiples!! 

What other exercises should I do? Planks? Push-ups? Pilates?

As asked by two different clients.  GREAT questions!   You don’t want to undo all the work you have done to bring your diastasis back together!

You SHOULD absolutely compliment the Tupler Technique with other exercises!! Anything aerobic is GREAT!  Walking, Running, etc.

Yoga is mostly fine – just watch how you get into and out of postures – no jacknifing and avoid the abs they do.

Pilates is full of quagmires for getting your diastasis back together – avoid it for several weeks until you know HOW to modify things that can backtrack you back to step 1, or make you worse, like Pilates 100, Corkscrew, Teaser, /Scissors, Saw and (of course) Jacknife. I will modify a few of these for my clients  – like Pilates 100, Scissors, and Teaser, and avoid doing the other ones ALTOGETHER!

The Eliptical is great, Treadmill is great…

Watch that you avoid any Crossover movements – like punching (with kick boxing), golf and tennis until your diastasis is all the way back together.  Avoid lifting weights until after you have strengthened at least 4 weeks so you don’t undo any of the work you are doing to heal your diastasis.


  • Doing the side plank you will want to not put both feet all the way extended – bend one leg to support yourself with and extend your body and the leg on the top, keeping the transverse to the spine.
  • Doing the plank where your belly is parallel to the floor can be VERY hard on the transverse that it can’t engage very easily.  Avoid until after you have been through the 6 week program and/or have closed the diastasis, and even then have CAUTION because with the gravity factor can be hard, as well as the strength demanded by the transverse.  Even seasoned Tupler Techniquers beware of this one.  I would drop ONE knee and bend at the wrist rather than the elbow and get the same extension of the body.

PUSHUPS – two words:  GIRL PUSH UPS (you know, with your knees on the ground) or PUSH-UPS (while standing) against the wall.  The latter might not sound like anything to write home about, but do these slowly and methodically, bringing your body weight all the way against the wall with the transverse to the spine, and you will be feeling it my friend.  ABSOLUTELY Fantastic for all you preggos out there!!  Can’t say it enough!  But great for anyone as your transverse will not be compromised, but your arms will look GREAT after doing these!

Have any specific exercises you have questions about?  List them in the comments section and I will tackle them for you!!

Bouncing back after baby

So its been 7 weeks – bouncing back after each baby has been a different experience.

The first recovery post baby was by far the easiest – to get back to the weight and physique that I had prepregnancy – being in my early to mid 20s didn’t hurt either.

The second recovery post baby -a little tougher – I found out about having a diastasis at the end of my pregnancy and didn’t know what I could do about it.  The weight and physique took a little longer to get back together but not horrible.

The third recovery post baby – a little tougher still in some ways.  It took me 11 weeks to get my diastasis totally together and get to a 27 inch waist with doing 10 sets of 100 of Seated Tuplers   everyday.  It took me 5 to 7 more months to get back to a 25 1/2 inch waist.  Getting back to my previous weight took me about 3 months of being very diligent and selective about what I ate.  It was not fun.

The fourth recovery post baby – has been easier in some ways surprisingly and in some ways – tougher.  There are pelvic floor issues not had so much with the other kids.  I had to invest in a gyneflex ( after a somewhat crazy labor that messed things up – ligament laxity is shot, things are “hanging low.”

The diastasis is back together (after doing hardcore 10 sets of 100 Seater Tuplers each day) and the weight is back at 7 weeks, which has been interesting for me to document (keep in mind I am 5’2) :

2 Days after birth:

hips 37
waist 34
weight 125
diastasis 3 fingerwidths 3 inches gap above the bellybutton
             4 fingerwidths gap AT the bellybutton
             3 fingerwidths gap 3 inches below the bellybutton

3 Days after birth

hips 36 1/2
waist 32
weight 122

5 days after birth

wasit 29 1/2

7 days after birth

hips 36
waist 31
weight 120

12 days after birth

hips 35 1/2
wasit 28 1/2 – 29
weight 118

1 month after birth

hips 35 1/2
waist 28
weight 116

1 month 2 days

hips 35
waist 27 – 271/2
weight 115

1 month  4 days after birth

waist 27

7 weeks after birth

waist 26 1/2 – 27
weight 114

So – now that I have posted this progress for the whole world to see (!) a couple of notes of interest.  It was MUCH quicker to bring the diastasis back together this time. I believe this is because I did them through the pregnancy, and splinted the whole pregnancy – so there was a great mind body connection.
I wore the Diastasis Rehab Splint more consistantly that I did after #3 and did 10 sets of 100 Seated Tuplers, MOSTLY avoided the 5 whites (white sugar, white flour, white pasta, white potatoes and white rice) while having  2 cheats now and then – cheesecake and DARK chocolate (lower glycemic).

If I get lazy about my sets I can tell my abs and waist don’t feel and look as good.  The rule of thumb I tell people is do the hard core 10 sets of 100 seated tuplers (or between 5 and 10 sets) until your diastasis is together and until you are the waist size you want to be.  For me I have an inch to go – but its the hardest to fight for!  So while my skin to me still looks a little like a deflated balloon – its getting there.  There is still a bit of extra skin, and the abs are MOSTLY flat – though still a small little “blip” that I notice – its a work in progress.

But can I just say how GLAD I am to have the Tupler Technique

® as one of the PRIME tools of returning my body to how it was prepregnancy!!!!!!  Spread the word people!

What?!?! Plastic Surgery can’t fix this diastasis but Tupler Technique® can?

So I have been meaning to post about my experience postpartum after #4, which happened 6 weeks ago – and I fully intend to.

BUT FIRST – check out this plastic surgery forum – this lady was told even surgery couldn’t help her diastasis (Her description of her belly describes MANY MANY women who email me, skype-train with me, train privately in person with me, or take classes from me).   Very interesting discussion…..:

Also, here is an email just sent to Julie Tupler recently – if you are getting results lke this PLEASE let your doctors know so THEY can be educated about what is out there – and not just stay in their bubble!

I just wanted to tell you that I have been following your program for exactly 1 week & my stomach has gone from 34 inches to just shy of 32 inches. My outie belly button is now an innie & I can no longer feel or see my fibroids when I’m laying flat!!! I went to three separate plastic surgeons and they all told me that a tummy tuck was my only option. My stomach is still far from flat but in a week’s time I see a significant difference. Your program has given me the motivation that I so desperately needed. I can only imagine what my results will be in six weeks!!!

Tummy Tucks are not the answer people!!  Much better results can be had by using the muscles correctly!

Birth Announcement and pictures

So one more indulgent post….
FINALLY!  Our little boy decided to arrive in this world 3 days late!  He was born April 6th, 2011.  Labor was O’ Natural and had some minor complications, but it turned out well with a couple miraculous turns – both literally and figuratively.  I was assissted by a FANTASTIC doula, an AMAZING husband, a great midwife and nurse.

Brayden Michael was 8 lbs 1 oz, 21 inches long.

The same photographer SharaleaPhotography who did my maternity shoot also did my newborn shots – and I am drooling just looking at them.  They had me leave the room so he could settle down and not smell “mom” and then they were able to take these AMAZING shots!