So allow me to indulge myself a little and show some AMAZING pics from my Maternity Shoot from a local photographer who I think has a REAL flair for doing creative and amazing pictures! Here is the site – she does AMAZING work. If she can make my 9 mo. preggo belly look good, she can do anything 🙂
Beautiful After the Belly
Diastasis Recti, Hernias, C-section and Ab Scarring, Belly Button, Pelvic Floor
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The PERFECT WAY (and the NOT so perfect way) to PUSH OUT THAT BABY!!! Your questions answered!
The best thing to do is think BEAR BACK (bringing the transverse to the spine) while either breathing out slowing alternated with holding breath. That will save the blood vessels on the face caused by pressure in the head from BEARING DOWN, and will save the bowel, bladder, and uterus from getting unnecessary forceful pressure outward “down there” which can contribute to not fun post recovery (all those things hanging very low on the vaginal area).
On a side note, it help IMMENSELY for practicing purposed to put your feet on a 7 to 9 inch stool while doing thing because your body will be in a more “squatty” position, which opens everything up down there (and unkinks the bowel in 2 places) – makes for a much quicker and easier bowel movement. I use the $4 stool with the blue dots from ikea 🙂
- It takes TIME to teach someone how to engage the transverse muscle correctly (SEATED TUPLERS; Tupler Technique®) and this does not fit into their time frame as practitioners
- Many have not learned about PERFECT PUSHING yet!! But it is ideal for them to learn because their patients push babies out much quicker than their counterparts (women who “bear down.”)
- As stated before, women cannot learn a new skill while in pain or during labor – especially one involving muscle strength (transverse strength) – and it must be practiced and strengthened during pregnancy.
- It will keep your recti together as much as possibly, if not totally, during pregnancy!
- It will keep you strong!!
- It will alleviate those pregnancy backaches (work the lower lumbars)!!
- It will make your recovery SO MUCH BETTER!
- It will help your midsection to bounce back more more quickly!
- It will help you keep mind body connection with your transverse and recti during pregnancy RATHER THAN LETTING THEM ATROPHY!!!!!
- It will make pushing SO much more effective (just remember to do seated tuplers WHILE relaxing the pelvic floor when pregnant, and the pelvic floor which naturally want to also be working with the transverse).
For more info go to:
WOAH – Spinning Babies – what an awesome concept for pregnant moms!
So I had a friend introduce to me tonite. It is a concept I had not ever heard of – but how awesome I have found it to be.
Since I have only 5 weeks to go with this pregnancy, labor, baby, belly – those are just some of the words on the forefront of my mind – and this website really caught my attention!!
So the idea behind SPINNING BABIES is that depending on how a mom sits, or moves she can actually move the baby to the ideal labor position. No one want to give birth to a baby whos head is facing a funky direction, or if the baby is turned around – giving the mom major back labor. This site helps you identify what position your baby is in and the tone of the uternus – and how to sit and manuever your body to get that baby in the ideal position – thus promoting a less painful birth process.
So check THIS WEBSITE out – I am loving what I have learned so far!!
MORE BEFORE AND AFTER PICS of diastasis recti and bellies!! CHECK THEM OUT!
So I know tons of you want to see before and after pics!!! The website went live a couple of days ago (the headquarters site for Tupler Technique®) and you can go to link
to check out the before pictures and after pictures.
Notice that you can also see what the diastasis was before and after and also see the waist size before and after. PREPARE TO BE AMAZED – most of the clients would have been immediately referred to a surgeon and look what they were able to do through the Tupler Technique®. I know I have been asked – why doesn’t EVERYONE KNOW ABOUT THIS!?!?
Its so true – but YOU DO – so spread the word!!!
A Pelvic Floor Discussion on Fit Me Pink you don’t want to miss!
For all those of you who pee on your shoes when you jump, run, or sneeze – THIS POST ON FIT ME PINK as well as THIS POST ON FIT ME PINK THAT HIGHLIGHTS MY THOUGHTS
is for YOU!!!
Both of these posts give lots of food for thought – everything from pushing baby out, to Kegels and the CONTROVERSY CREATED by THIS POST HERE THAT STARTED IT ALL
So you are in for about 15 minutes of reading – but you won’t regret educating yourself a little more and seeing the different sides to the issues.
HOW does your pelvic floor stack up? Not the same since baby (ies) was born? No more trampoline time with your kids? No more running on the treadmill? Does everything feel like it “hangs out” or very low at least “down there?” Sometimes there is shame in discussing, but ALL WOMEN should know their options and know THERE IS SOMETHING YOU CAN DO!!!
New Round of Before and After Results for closing the Diastasis Recti!
So I hope you all are not getting tired of hearing some of the awesome results people are getting. Everytime I see more exciting results, I just feel like I have to tell SOMEBODY!! Its so exciting! Of course, my husband hears all the awesome results because I will usually talk with him on my drive home (I know, driving and calling – but at least I don’t TEXT and DRIVE!)
Anyway – this is kind of a middle of the route results, rather than a true “AFTER” – but the results were so great, I HAD TO POST!!
In a current 6 session class/workshop I am teaching now, here is what I have seen SO FAR:
This client came for week #2, #3, and #4 (a total of only TWO CALENDAR WEEKS). I really could almost not believe what my measuring tape said. This client is in her late 40s and is a smaller build – maybe 5’2 or 5’3.
Her diastasis measured:
- 1 1/2 fingerwidth diastasis 3 inches above the belly button
- 3 fingerwidth diastasis right AT the belly button
- 3 fingerwidth diastasis 3 inches below the belly button.
So this client purchased a Diastasis Rehab® Splint (and of COURSE did her homework of 5 sets of 100 Seated Tuplers daily) on week #3. I see her 1 week later on week #4 – she wondered if she was wearing it right, thought it was maybe too tight that she was putting it on at first, butit seemed to get better after a couple of days. At the end of class she requested that I measure her waist because she felt it was smaller and that she had made progress. I measured her and could NOT BELIEVE that she was measuring 27 7/8 INCH WAIST!!!!!!!! OVER FIVE INCHES LOST IN HER WAISTLINE IN TWO CALENDAR WEEKS!!!! FANTASTIC!!!
This client also came for only week #2 and week #3. She is only 4 ’11, has had 2 kids, and because of her small torso thought she has something amiss with her midsection. She felt like she couldn’t engage her abdominals anymore. She had been a gymnast and her lack of ability to engage her abdominals PLUS the odd look and bulge of her midsection were very disconcerting to her. She is a young mom- late 20s.
Her diastasis measured:
- 2 fingerwidth gap 3 inches above the belly button
- 4 fingerwidth gap right AT the belly button
- 3 fingerwidth gap 3 inches below the belly button
- Measured 29 1/2 inch waist
This client was so excited after 1 week because she felt that after she put on her Diastasis Rehab® Splint – 3 days later (and of course doing her homework of 5 sets of 100 Seated Tuplers) she felt like her midsection was totally different. She told me she tried to measure herself and she felt like things were closed, and her belly button looked totally different, and she was able to engage her abdominals like she hadn’t quite been able to do previously. She wanted me to measure to make sure. Now keep in mind this is only ONE CALENDAR WEEK LATER ONLY!!!
- CLOSED GAP (No diastasis) 3 inches above the belly button
- 1 fingerwidth diastasis right AT the belly button
- CLOSED GAP (NO diastasis) 3 inches below the belly button
So that diastasis is CLINICALLY CLOSED in just 1 week, which is totally amazing!
Well, what can live up to those examples? This next client is a very thin slender mom in her late 20s or early 30s. She just need that last missing link to the puzzle -her midsection that mysteriously wouldn’t go right after her 2 kids.
Her moderate diastasis measured:
- 2 fingerwidth gap 3 inches above the belly button
- 3 1/2 fingerwidth gap right AT the belly button
- 3 fingerwidth gap 3 inches below the belly button
So After 3 calendar weeks, with wearing a splint and doing her homework of 5 sets of 100 Seated Tuplers daily, she asked to be measured (usually we measure 1st and last week only, unless I get requests) to see if her WAIST had gone down. She HAD gone down to a 29 INCH WAIST in THREE CALENDAR WEEKS!! Now that might not seem as “WOAH” as the 5 inch WONDER (above) in 2 weeks, but that is STILL GREAT – that is a full pant size, and that much less “smoothing out” you have to do in that area – not to mention, when you get into the 20s range for waistsize, each inch into the 20s seems a bit more stubborn, and should be celebrated. And of course, there are still 2 more weeks to go!!
SO CONGRATS TO THE AWESOME RESULTS! FROM “BEFORE” to “MID WAY THROUGH” – hopefully I will have more great things to share with the “AFTERS” in a couple of weeks!
5 inches WHITTLED OFF THE WAIST in 5 weeks!!
One of the most rewarding things about closing the diastasis recti and doing seated tuplers is WAIST SIZE REDUCTION!!
One of my clients nearly closed her diastasis in a 8 week class session with me. She was
4 fingerwidth gap 3 inches above the belly button
5 fingerwidths gap right AT the belly button
5 fingerwidths gap 3 inches below the belly button
Her waist size was 35 7/8
What was interesting that after splinting and being fairly consistent with doing 5 sets + of 100 Seated Tuplers per day, she CLOSED her diastasis in the 8 weeks.
At the end of the class session she was down 1 inch – so at 34 7/8.
She then took the next session with me which was 5 weeks from start to finish.
She wanted to continue toning and whittling away the waistline for the next session, since her diastasis was closed. She went from just shy of 35 inch waist to a 30 in waist in that 5 weeks!!
And I will also add that was during the holidays – between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
So a couple of things can be deduced from this –
2) The waistline can follow 2 different courses – I have seen it again and again. It can either
- Become tinier AS YOU CLOSE the diastasis
In my own experience, after I have my babies and start out with a 32 inch waist, I do the between 7 and 10 sets of 100 Seated Tuplers PER DAY UNTIL I AM THE WAIST SIZE I WANT! A funny thing I have observed that follows Client S. above…It takes me 11 weeks to get to a 27 inch waist following the baby’s births, and then another 5 months to get back down those LAST TWO DARN INCHES to a 25 inch waist.
This can be observed in other clients I have as well – its the PROLONGED EFFECT OF DOING THE SEATED TUPLER EXERCISES that is the most beneficial. NOT just doing them for a couple of months for the diastasis to close – but CONTINUED AND CONSISTENT seated tuplers to completely restore the prepregancy midsection.
Superfood – Hemp Seed!
So, if you have been reading my blog for awhile, you will know I am a huge fan of superfoods. There are many unexplored ones, I feel. I have a new one for you I am just discovering – HEMP SEED.
Don’t let the name throw you – this is one of few foods that is a **COMPLETE SOURCE OF PROTEIN
Both of those are SO important! Case and point – I have had the stomach flu- thing for the past 5 days. I can’t even THINK about eating much besides the BRAT diet (Bread, rice, applesauce, toast). HOWEVER, I KNOW I really need some high quality protein and Omega 3s for baby in utero to be healthy. So I busted out my CHIA SEEDS poured about 3 TBS into a bowl, filled it with water and let it turn into a gel. It soaks it all right up. Then I added it to my applesauce (it tastes like literally NOTHING – water- so it can go into anything) and WHALAH! I had Omega 3s, Lots of Protein, and lots of antioxidants, and it had no adverse squeamish effect on my crazy insides doing sea sick somersaults. At least while I can’t stomach much else – I can get THAT in!!
So, onto Hemp Seed. As you might be wondering, this is NOT the same as the marijuana plant – check out article ARTICLE HERE to clarify if you are wondering 🙂
1st COOL THING) Hemp seed nutrition is remarkable. It is a perfect protein supplement because it contains all the essential amino acids our bodies need (ones our bodies can not make). No other single source of plant has all of these proteins that are so easily digested. The nutrient rich seeds of industrial hemp contain all eight essential amino acids, making them a complete protein like meat, milk, eggs, and soy but in a more digestible form and requiring fewer resources to produce.
2nd COOL THING) Hemp seed is a great source of omega-3 and omega-6 (essential fatty acids) and provides an ideal balance between the two. It is also a very good source of omega-9. These healthy fats are not stored in our bodies so it is important to consume sufficient amounts daily. As we know,
Omega fatty acids offer many benefits.
DID SOMEONE SAY WEIGHT LOSS? They help in weight loss because they produce long-term appetite satisfaction and they also help the cardiovascular, immune, reproductive, and central nervous systems on a minute to minute basis every day.
*TIP* – look for labels touting “DHA” – this is OMEGA 3s – our bodies use SO MUCH of them – especially when nursing and pregnant, but our brains need them even after to maintain memory, emotional health, and chemical-balance.
3rd COOL THING) PUT DOWN ALL THE MARKETING “FIBER” HOAXES – THIS ONE IS REAL AND NATURAL! Other benefits of hemp seed come from the fiber content (which is important for the digestive system) and the many vitamins and minerals, including antioxidants (such as vitamins A, C, and E).
4th COOL THING) NATURALLY ORGANIC!! Used worldwide to treat malnutrition, one pound of hemp seeds can sustain a human life for two weeks. One tablespoon of hemp seeds provides the recommended daily allowance of essential fatty acids. Hemp plants are environmentally friendly, requiring no herbicides or pesticides to produce a bumper crop of highly digestible nutrient-packed food.
5th COOL THING(S)) According to author Udo Erasmus (Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill, 1993), the following benefits are attributed to essential fatty acids (EFAs) in hemp seeds:
- NO MORE SORENESS AFTER EXERCISING! At a cellular level, they lubricate membranes and eliminate wastes such as lactic acid in post-exercise muscles.
- BETTER BEHAVED KIDS?! LESS PMS?! EFAs also are important for optimum brain function, improving mood, fighting depression and reducing behavior problems in children, and reversing the irritability of PMS.
- ROCKIN’ IMMUNE SYSTEM! Essential Fatty Acids help the body’s immune system fight off bacteria, fungi, and viruses, including malaria.
- HEALTHY HEART! These good fats lower cholesterol and protect heart health.
- HELLO GOOD SKIN! I get lots of questions on belly skin – this applies too! Eating hemp seeds over time heals and moisturizes skin, and reduces inflammation.
- BYE BYE TUMORS! Most important of all to western consumers, the EFAs in hemp seeds have anti-cancer properties that inhibit tumor growth.
6th COOL THING) Hemp Seeds are a a good source of calcium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, and zinc. A rich source of B vitamins, they also contain vitamins A, D, and K. They are a gluten-free food.
*INTERESTING FACT* Hemp seeds are used to treat constipation and hemorrhoids in Asia.
- Hemp seeds have a nutty flavor and can be eaten raw. You can add them to baked goods, salads, dips, and sauces. You can also combine with your favorite fruits and blend to make a refreshing smoothie. I LOVE them in smoothies with blueberries and flavored soy protein powder – YUM!
- A cup of hemp seeds blended with four cups of water produces hemp milk, a non-dairy nutritional beverage, delicious when chilled.
- HEMP SEED can be purchased in the form of a nut butter similar to peanut butter that is very popular in Russia. Or if you have a VITA-MIX (my FAVORITE BLENDER+ OF ALL TIME, you can make it yourself !)
- Cold-pressed, unrefined hemp oil is available in healthfood stores. Because it is an unsaturated oil, it should be stored in the refrigerator or freezer and used by the expiration date; such oils can become rancid.
WHERE DO I BUY HEMP SEEDS? I have found them at health stores – I got mine at Jungle Jims in Ohio. I know you can purchase them at other health food places, or Nutiva Organic Hemp Protein 50% Protein Per Serving, 3-Pound Bag can be purchased on Amazon. Don’t let the price fool you if you are buying a bunch – like 3 lbs. Its will last you FOREVER! I bought a 16 ounce bag for $15ish and it lasts a LONG TIME!! Here is another good priceNutiva Organic Hemp Protein 50% Protein Per Serving, 16-Ounce Canister
I found. That is cheaper than I got it for.
Tell us any great hemp seed recipes you have found 🙂
New Diastasis Rehab™ Splints are in!
So always coming out with better and improved – the new splints are in! These ones still have the elastic on the front, and the soft cotton against the skin, but with the added bonus of having a SLIT so they don’t bunch up in the front. I don’t have all the sizes and all the colors – but I do have these in WHITE MEDIUM and BLACK SMALL. So for those of you who asked for an improvement – its here!!
Will I still have to adjust my splint? Of course – you are not a statue, and you bend all day in numerous ways – so you will have to adjust every 1-2 hours, or every time your use the restroom is a good rule of thumb.
Will the splint look perfect or like Spanx underneath my clothes? No – it may smooth out the imperfections in your abdominals, but its purpose is to approximate the recti, not replace spanx or similar kinds of underwear.
Do I wear the splint at night? YES! This will help you remember NOT to jacknife, or if you do (on accident) it will minimize the damage done. I consider it a free-bee time because you don’t have to worry about having it look perfect under your clothes or adjusting it – you let it do work while you sleep.
Will my splint last forever? Splints are not made to last forever, just as most of your clothes are not either. When you wear the splint night and day continuously, it will stretch over time and become looser. When your splint approaches this point, its a good idea to get another splint to wear during the day, and save this one to wear while your work out. That way you don’t stress about it getting sweaty and dirty as you run, or do the eliptical, or using resistance bands, or sweat while doing seated tupler exercises. I also use my stretched out splints while I am pregnant – PERFECT for that as it has more give!
Do I wear my splint to work out? YES! YES! YES! Since there are so many demands on the body while you are working out and you have a diastasis, you will want to keep those recti together as much as possible with the splint. And remember – keep the TRANSVERSE IN on the work park of EVERYTHING you do!!
How long do I need to wear my splint? Everyday and night UNTIL you bring your recti together. Check yourself periodically and make sure you don’t re-split your diastasis. If you DO, you can put the splint on for a few days and increase your sets of seated tuplers (you should be doing maintanence sets every day!) and it should come together fairly quickly as you have established a good mind-body connection. Don’t STOP (your 5 sets of 100 maintanence sets) and let the muscles atrophy, or they will be more prone to split!
What is the difference between a binder and a splint? Abdominal binders go over your ribs and pelvis – because of this they do not approximate the two halves of the recti together. Diastasis Rehab Splints are made to go IN BETWEEN the ribs and the pelvis, with a crossover motion, to approximate the two halves of the recti – giving faster results, and a better mind body connection with the muscles.
I think that covers the MOST FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS for Splints. Enjoy the new design!!
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