Well, any 6 oz. yogurt with those flavors has AT LEAST 35 grams of sugar per pop!! So how many teaspoons is that of sugar? 1 teaspoon is equal to 4 grams of sguar. So …math…that is almost NINE teaspoons of SUGAR in an innocent small 6 oz. container of yogurt!!
Sugar causes an insulin response in our bodies. Insulin is the FAT STORING HORMONE.
So what will the body do when it has all this sugar – DUH – it will store the fat in the body. BUT ITS FAT FREE!! Who cares – they add SUGAR to take the place of the fat! There is no chance in HADES it will help you lose weight.
So while PLAIN YOGURT can be fantastic for the body, especially if it has live cultures (much more reliable if SELF cultivated with KEFIR), the SUGAR PACKED YOGURTS do NOT nor WILL they help anyone to LOST WEIGHT.
What a Marketing Hoax that just angers me because it sends a totally false message to women!!
Amen, sister, amen…
By the way – if you ever need live kefir grains, let me know. We always seem to overflowing with them!