Here is a rundown of how the private sessions usually work – generally done in 3 sessions, and then AS NEEDED 🙂
During the 1st session we measure the diastasis recti in all three areas, connective tissue eval, hernia measurement and eval, waist measurments in 3 areas, “before” pictures, teach you the BAKS basics, make sure your technique is accurate, assess your transverse strength (innermost abdominal muscle with pulls the recti together with the technique we use) and go over movements and exercises to avoid, as well as do. We also measure your waist and splint your abs if needed (splint fitting included).
During the 2nd session, 2nd diastasis recti measurement, connective tissue eval, hernia measurements and eval, waist measurement, mid progress pics, we advance the versions of the exercises and teach you to isolate different areas of your diastasis recti and start encorporating arm and leg exercises with the transverse exercises, an essential skill for future workouts.
During the 3rd session, 3rd diastasis recti measurement, connective tissue eval, hernia measurements and eval (For those with hernias, we add another technique to help with reveral at this stage), waist measurement, “after” pics we continue to advance the versions of the exercises and continue to isolate the areas of your D.R. and encorporate everything into a full body workout you can continue to do to progress.
Ideally the 1st and 2nd sessions are 2-3 weeks apart, and the 2nd and 3rd sessions are 4-5 weeks apart.
I typically train on Saturdays and various week days and nights.
If a subequent session is needed or desired we do a follow up to measure diastasis recti measurement, connective tissue eval, hernia measurements and eval, waist measurement, “after” pics we continue to advance the versions of the exercises and continue to isolate the areas of your D.R., do troubleshooting as needed or necessary and encorporate everything into a full body workout you can continue to do to progress.
private session – 1 person: $130 per session
private session – 2 people: $ 104 each per session (20% discount)
private session – 3+ people: $91 each per session (30% discount)
5 pack ($580)
10 pack ($950)
*Discount – pay for all 3 sessions at once, get $20 off
*I also do workshops, which cover the same things at a lower price. See “events” for more info.
Good morning! I am very interested in trying this! When will you next workshop be? Thank you!
I am interested in 3 private sessions. Thank you! Please help me get started.
Hi Carolyn!
Absolutely! I work with people locally in Utah, and across the country and world online. Please use the “contact me” section to contact me:)