Lets face it, when you have your favorite winter time TV shows on, or if its been a go -go day and you just want some unwinding time, the pitfall is THE MONSTER MUNCHIES!!
Its never the craving for celery, spinach, or broccoli…its generally the things that sit all night in our bellies and pack on the pounds like crazy in the wintertime – like brownies, chips, cookies, etc.
So I feel as I am on a neverending quest to prevent that and find fun exciting things I can eat that will not make me regret it 20 minutes later.
Last winter it was “orange peel herbal tea.” or “tangerine peel herbal tea.” It is loaded with nutrients and VERY simple to make. You can buy these in stores dried with other herbs…but why if its soooo darn simple?
You just take your orange or tangerine peel from your kids lunch or breakfast or snack (or yours) and just pour boiling water on the peel. Let it set for 20 minutes and WHALAA!! Its a very orangey herbal tea FANTASTIC for digestion. Put 1 teeny tiny scoop of stevia to sweeten it if you want.
My other new favorite I got from a friend from her “YOGI” way of living book. But I am HOOKED!!
1 tsp anise
1 tsp mint
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp fennel
1/2 tsp rosemary (opt)
Just pour boiling water on those ingredients. Wait 20 minutes and strain it with a strainer. Put 1 tsp of stevia if you want and YUM! Its so good. Its great to make you feel GROUNDED according to the Yogi book. Also the mint is excellent for the complexion and the digestion.
Its great to curl up sipping something warm and nurturing in the wintertime when everything is so cold. I LOVE IT!!!!
Do you have any great herbal tea recipes? Do you have other tips for avoiding wintertimes munchies?
That sounds cozy! Jake and I usually avoid eating altogether after dinner, but if we really need something, we usually get some instant sugar-free, fat-free Jello chocolate pudding with a little whipped cream on top. It’s about 80 calories, and we count it as one of our dairy servings for the day. We try not to do it too often, though, and just eliminate tv munching by drinking lots of water.
But when we’re not being SO good, our favorite TV treat is apple slices with natural peanut butter. We just share one apple. It’s yummy!
ha!, I needed this post. I eat great all day, then……
Anyway, where do you get the fennel and anise etc.
I found fennel at a spice shop, but sometimes you can find these spices anywhere you find spices…even the places with the $1 spices 🙂
I’m blog challenged and can’t seem to find how to contact you. I want to take your class or get some individualized coaching on closing my own diastasis. I live in Salt Lake and hope that you are close too. Could you contact me at thejoyfulpalmers at
Thanks so much!
Jodie Palmer
Hi Jodie – I am a little far from you – in Chicago. However, if you have a large group (20 plus people) then I would be willing to make a trip out there. Let me know! You can contact me at 🙂