Sea salt vs. Table salt – what is the difference? Is one better than the other?

 I had always heard its much harder to “oversalt” your foods with sea salt, and that it “melts in your mouth” and is not refined.


Take heart those of you worried about high blood pressure and heart disease – you do not have to suffer tastlessly through life!!  This is just one more example of how the refinement of food has left us with not only a sour taste in our mouth (no pun intended) but it has left of with risk of blood pressure and disease, and water retention.  Just as refined flour has left us with an insulin resistance and overweight people, just as refined sugar has left us with the same thing.  ALL NUTRIENTS stripped away – left only with the bad, with nothing inherent to counteract because its all been stripped away.

(from Though mainly sodium chloride, sea salt and table salt are different from each other, both with respect to the way they are obtained from nature and their nutritive value. Sea salt is considered to be more beneficial for health as compared to table slat, due to over 80 nutritive substances present in it.

Sea Salt Sea salt is the unrefined salt that is obtained by simply evaporating the water from the seas or oceans. Sea water is channeled into man-made pools along protected shores, and is then left under the Sun till all the water gets evaporated. What is left behind in the pools is sea salt. Sea salt is 98% sodium chloride, while the remaining 2% is made of other important minerals like iron, sulfur, magnesium and other trace elements. Due to higher mineral content, sea salts are more flavored than table salt. Sea salts are used as crust for baked potatoes. Chefs also use it in French or Thai cuisines. Table Salt The common table salt is 99.9% sodium chloride. It is obtained from the terrestrial salt deposits which are mined, heat-blasted and chemically treated. Due to these processes, table salt is stripped of all minerals other than sodium and chloride. Some anti-caking agents are added to table salt to make it free flowing. Although, initially table salt which had just sodium and chlorine as the only minerals was consumed by people, later on, salt manufacturers started adding iodine to it to prevent people from suffering from iodine deficiency diseases. Table Salt Vs. Sea Salt

Besides the difference in the manufacturing process, sea salt and table salt differ in the following ways:

  • While sodium and chlorine are the only minerals contained in table salt, sea salt has other minerals like iron, sulfur and magnesium naturally present in them. This increases the nutritive value of sea salt as compared to table salt. The various minerals present in sea salt helps us to maintain a healthy balance of the various electrolytes in the body.
  • The refining process of table salt strips it of all of its minerals, other than sodium and chloride. This makes it an unnatural substance as compared to sea salt, and contributes to high blood pressure, heart and kidney diseases. On the other hand, health benefits of sea salt include, inducing proper sleep, promoting efficient working of the liver, kidneys and the adrenal glands. Sea salts also boost the immune system of the body and don’t cause high blood pressure like refined table salt.
  • Although, due to the higher mineral content, sea salt may be considered to be a healthier choice than table salt, it has its own drawbacks. One major disadvantage of sea salt is that it is a poor source of iodine. The iodine that is added during the refining process of table salt makes it a better source of iodine than sea salt.
  • Another health concern that sea salt raises, is the fact that it is obtained from sea water that contains a number of impurities. The sea water is neither boiled nor treated, as that would make it lose the minerals that gives it all its nutritive value.
  • Table salt is fine, white crystals. Sea salt on the other hand may have a slight grayish color if they are from the coastal areas of France, or may pinkish hue if it came from some other exotic locale. It may be coarse or fine grained.
  • Due to the presence of many minerals, sea salt is not as ‘salty’ as table salt. It may be slightly flavored.

Some retailers may sell sea salts that are fine-grained and white in
color. If you want to enjoy the
advantages of sea salt, be sure that it is the unrefined one and
contains the minerals that gives it an edge over table salt.
Trader Joes and Aldi’s.
  It would be worth making sure that what you get is NOT REFINED!                                                                                                                                                                       So where to get iodine?  MAYO (yep!) EGGS, Sea foods.
  I also figure I eat enough of food other places
that I know is salted with table salt which has iodine added to it.
We also eat enough eggs that it is no worry.
Have you tried sea salt?  Where do you get your sea salt?

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