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4 comments on “Shopping Cart

  1. Rachel Andersen on

    Hi Bonnie!
    My name is Rachel Andersen. I took your class in Naperville/Oswego a few years ago. I had my fourth baby 15 months ago.
    My births were c-section, natural vbac, c-section, c-section. We are both surgically closed for kid business now! I have a herniated belly button and I know I also need lots of pelvic floor training. I had the beginning of bladder prolapse before my 3rd was born but haven’t had that since.
    Thank you for doing these classes! I hope there is hope for me lol – my belly is in rough shape.

  2. Jessica Paihr on

    I don’t currently have any of the recommended products – should I get anything before we start our sessions? Also, I have a grade 2 spondylolisthesis at L5/S1 so not sure if that will prevent me from doing some of the exercises… I’m thinking this program will help provide additional stabilization for that but still felt like I needed to disclose just in case.


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