So, if you have been reading my blog for awhile, you will know I am a huge fan of superfoods. There are many unexplored ones, I feel. I have a new one for you I am just discovering – HEMP SEED.
Don’t let the name throw you – this is one of few foods that is a **COMPLETE SOURCE OF PROTEIN
Both of those are SO important! Case and point – I have had the stomach flu- thing for the past 5 days. I can’t even THINK about eating much besides the BRAT diet (Bread, rice, applesauce, toast). HOWEVER, I KNOW I really need some high quality protein and Omega 3s for baby in utero to be healthy. So I busted out my CHIA SEEDS poured about 3 TBS into a bowl, filled it with water and let it turn into a gel. It soaks it all right up. Then I added it to my applesauce (it tastes like literally NOTHING – water- so it can go into anything) and WHALAH! I had Omega 3s, Lots of Protein, and lots of antioxidants, and it had no adverse squeamish effect on my crazy insides doing sea sick somersaults. At least while I can’t stomach much else – I can get THAT in!!
So, onto Hemp Seed. As you might be wondering, this is NOT the same as the marijuana plant – check out article ARTICLE HERE to clarify if you are wondering 🙂
1st COOL THING) Hemp seed nutrition is remarkable. It is a perfect protein supplement because it contains all the essential amino acids our bodies need (ones our bodies can not make). No other single source of plant has all of these proteins that are so easily digested. The nutrient rich seeds of industrial hemp contain all eight essential amino acids, making them a complete protein like meat, milk, eggs, and soy but in a more digestible form and requiring fewer resources to produce.
2nd COOL THING) Hemp seed is a great source of omega-3 and omega-6 (essential fatty acids) and provides an ideal balance between the two. It is also a very good source of omega-9. These healthy fats are not stored in our bodies so it is important to consume sufficient amounts daily. As we know,
Omega fatty acids offer many benefits.
DID SOMEONE SAY WEIGHT LOSS? They help in weight loss because they produce long-term appetite satisfaction and they also help the cardiovascular, immune, reproductive, and central nervous systems on a minute to minute basis every day.
*TIP* – look for labels touting “DHA” – this is OMEGA 3s – our bodies use SO MUCH of them – especially when nursing and pregnant, but our brains need them even after to maintain memory, emotional health, and chemical-balance.
3rd COOL THING) PUT DOWN ALL THE MARKETING “FIBER” HOAXES – THIS ONE IS REAL AND NATURAL! Other benefits of hemp seed come from the fiber content (which is important for the digestive system) and the many vitamins and minerals, including antioxidants (such as vitamins A, C, and E).
4th COOL THING) NATURALLY ORGANIC!! Used worldwide to treat malnutrition, one pound of hemp seeds can sustain a human life for two weeks. One tablespoon of hemp seeds provides the recommended daily allowance of essential fatty acids. Hemp plants are environmentally friendly, requiring no herbicides or pesticides to produce a bumper crop of highly digestible nutrient-packed food.
5th COOL THING(S)) According to author Udo Erasmus (Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill, 1993), the following benefits are attributed to essential fatty acids (EFAs) in hemp seeds:
- NO MORE SORENESS AFTER EXERCISING! At a cellular level, they lubricate membranes and eliminate wastes such as lactic acid in post-exercise muscles.
- BETTER BEHAVED KIDS?! LESS PMS?! EFAs also are important for optimum brain function, improving mood, fighting depression and reducing behavior problems in children, and reversing the irritability of PMS.
- ROCKIN’ IMMUNE SYSTEM! Essential Fatty Acids help the body’s immune system fight off bacteria, fungi, and viruses, including malaria.
- HEALTHY HEART! These good fats lower cholesterol and protect heart health.
- HELLO GOOD SKIN! I get lots of questions on belly skin – this applies too! Eating hemp seeds over time heals and moisturizes skin, and reduces inflammation.
- BYE BYE TUMORS! Most important of all to western consumers, the EFAs in hemp seeds have anti-cancer properties that inhibit tumor growth.
6th COOL THING) Hemp Seeds are a a good source of calcium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, and zinc. A rich source of B vitamins, they also contain vitamins A, D, and K. They are a gluten-free food.
*INTERESTING FACT* Hemp seeds are used to treat constipation and hemorrhoids in Asia.
- Hemp seeds have a nutty flavor and can be eaten raw. You can add them to baked goods, salads, dips, and sauces. You can also combine with your favorite fruits and blend to make a refreshing smoothie. I LOVE them in smoothies with blueberries and flavored soy protein powder – YUM!
- A cup of hemp seeds blended with four cups of water produces hemp milk, a non-dairy nutritional beverage, delicious when chilled.
- HEMP SEED can be purchased in the form of a nut butter similar to peanut butter that is very popular in Russia. Or if you have a VITA-MIX (my FAVORITE BLENDER+ OF ALL TIME, you can make it yourself !)
- Cold-pressed, unrefined hemp oil is available in healthfood stores. Because it is an unsaturated oil, it should be stored in the refrigerator or freezer and used by the expiration date; such oils can become rancid.
WHERE DO I BUY HEMP SEEDS? I have found them at health stores – I got mine at Jungle Jims in Ohio. I know you can purchase them at other health food places, or Nutiva Organic Hemp Protein 50% Protein Per Serving, 3-Pound Bag can be purchased on Amazon. Don’t let the price fool you if you are buying a bunch – like 3 lbs. Its will last you FOREVER! I bought a 16 ounce bag for $15ish and it lasts a LONG TIME!! Here is another good priceNutiva Organic Hemp Protein 50% Protein Per Serving, 16-Ounce Canister
I found. That is cheaper than I got it for.
Tell us any great hemp seed recipes you have found 🙂