With the women I teach and train, many of them will be successful with bringing their diastises closed, and they will still have the spare tire/thick waist thing going on.
What can be done?
With women who have had kids, ESPECIALLY women over 35, you MUST avoid the five whites. Don’t get me wrong, they are delicious, satiating, yummy, comforting, and reliable. However, they do you NO favors.
They are:
1) White Flour and Bread
2) White Sugar
3) White Rice
4) White Potatoes
5) White Pasta
There are some great alternatives out there for each. My weakness – see a couple posts back. Yes, it is WHITE SUGAR. The other ones are easy for me to avoid – Quinoa, Rice Pasta, Whole Wheat and Spelt Bread, Red Potates, Sweet Potatoes are GREAT alerternatives. I love them!!
….but that White Sugar for me is the WICKEDEST of them all!!
What is the WICKEDEST WHITE for you?????
Have you tried purple potatoes? (They’re also called blue potatoes) – they’re one of my new favorite things, and the kids LOVE that they’re purple (inside and out). We’re going to build a potato box this year for our garden and try growing them ourselves. Last summer, I bought about 40 lbs of them from the farmers market, and they’re still good in our second fridge.
I have seen blue potatoe chips and wondered about them. I will have to give them a whirl.