This is the tale of two friends in two different states with diastasis recti. I had Skype Client Sessions with these two ladies since there is no one in their area who is licensed in the Tupler Technique. (to find out if anyone is in your area, go to
The first one client JC contacted me several months ago wanting to lose her “mummy tummy.” Her friend KC contacted me a few months later after hearing about the Tupler Technique from her friend. Here are their results!
Front view – before and after |
Side view -before and after |
KC was a very fit person with two kids. She noticed with her 2nd child something had definitely changed in her midsection. Her belly looked different. When she would get up from a laying down position or do sit ups, she noticed the “mound” over her belly and knew something was awry. She had the separation of her abs which she had been hearing about from her friend in a another state. She was very active – did cross fit 4 to 5 times a week. She could see that when she did…GULP…sit ups….the mound…the organ protrustion coming up from her midsection. She has been diligent with following the program – the seated tuplers, avoiding certain movements, good body mechanics – getting up and down correctly, and consistent with SPLINTING. This is just after TWO and a half weeks!!
28 ½
2.5 shallow
3 deep
2 shallow
Week 3
.75 very shallow
2 shallow
1.25 shallow
This client who first found me while doing research online, has 3 kids – all C sections. She had experienced pain and numbness around C section scar. She has been active and has been complementing the Tupler Technique with eating well and weight training. I find that when people Eat right, especially low glycemic, do the Tupler Technique and complement with running, elliptical, or other exercises with moves that are complementary to the program, they get the BEST results. This client has been encorporating the Tupler Technique into her day, doing the right body mechanics and splining!
Also, one other thing I have noticed is that when people have a FRIEND to do the Tupler Program with, it helps immensely because FRIENDS keep each other motivated! Both clients still are on their way to closing completely their diastasis, but are on the path of REAL PROGRESS – both functional and cosmetic – as is seen in their case studies and in their before and after photos!
Hi there, my name is Toni, I am 25 years old with an 11 month old son. I noticed when my son was 4 months old I had diastasis recti. I was never properly diagnosed with it, but my symptoms fit every last one. my question is, how can i successfully rid mine? is there any way some one can help me without it costing a fortune?
Where are you located? That will help me point you in the right direction. You can check to see if there is a licensee in your area by going to and looking under licensed pros. I am in the Chicagoland area, but see people from nearby 5 states.I do Skype programs for those who live near no one if you want to go that direction. If you want to give the program a go on your own, I recommend getting the splint, dvd and guidebook which you can purchase under “store” tab here on the site. You can do the exercises the first bit with the DVD until you get the hang of it. Follow the guidebook and the program. If you want to contact me more about details – hit the “contact me” tab up top and I will get that in my email and can give you more details 🙂