So this may be common knowledge to some, but all I had heard about was doing this same thing with an elastic. It did not go so well for me! One I found is Belly Belt – which you can get on, and I know Motherhood carries something similar.
There are many, but as I embark with the pregnancy of #4, some of them are VERY fresh in my mind!
1) It is possible NOT to have to wear maternity pants. Is it just me, or does anyone else just not fit RIGHT in maternity pants? So I buy some baggier pants in a size up and wear them under the bulge. Other possibilities below!
2) There are products out there designed for transition stages. I did not know about THIS one until one of my clients showed me! There are button expanders:
· ” Button extenders consist of an elastic band with a buttonhole on one end and a button on the other, and work along similar principals as using a hair elastic or rubber band. You can find inexpensive button extenders at fabric or sewing stores, and you can also purchase button extenders designed specifically for pregnancy. Button extenders are only going to hold your pants’ button together, not the zipper, so they must be worn with a long, loose shirt or paired with a belly band for coverage. “
3) There are also BAND EXTENDERS! I have recently heard several girlfriends mentioning different brands – I got mine for this time around at Target for about $15. You can also find similar ones online called bella bands
– everywhere from amazon to other websites. My girlfriends have raved because they hold up maternity pants when they are still a little big, hold up prepregnancy pants when a little small – great for those transition periods. Also great AFTER baby to get yourself back into your normal pants – and to cover up the awkward:
· “Band extenders, or belly bands, consist simply of a stretchy fabric band. Surprisingly versatile, they can support and cover unbuttoned pants, hold up too-big maternity pants, and even keep a third trimester belly from pushing down pants. Bands can also serve a dual purpose, giving the appearance of a long layered tank under pre-pregnancy shirts that have become too short. Because bands are often meant to be shown, they come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. However, some women find that bands can slip down or ride up, requiring too-frequent adjustment.”
4) Of course that you can do TRANSVERSE exercises during pregnancy! So specifically Seated Tuplers are great. You CAN actually close your diastasis DURING pregnancy. I have seen it first hand with my pregnant clients. One took a class with me while she was 7 ½ months pregnant. The class ended when she was 9 months pregnant and she had TOTALLy closed her 3 fingerwidth (in all 3 areas) diastasis AS HER BELLY GREW!! How many doctors would not believe THAT is possible – but not only IS IT, it puts the mom to be in SUCH a stronger position for pushing!
5) Speaking of pushing, My last time around my transverse was so strong it only took one super long and STRONG push! I had been told luckily before my first baby not to ‘bear down and push” as the nurses will often bark out, but to bring the abdominals BACK to push. So that helped. Then STRENGTHING the transverse correctly helped even more! If you “bear down and push” all the pressure goes into your head – popped blood vessels near the eyes are common – yikes! Its so important to bring the transverse BACK, RELAX the pelvic floor and NOT feel pressure in the wrong areas. Read “Maternal Fitness” for more in depth info.
6) Water births are awesome! I did the epidural route with the first two – had huge episiotomies, and long recoveries after vaginal births with the first two. With the 3rd I went natural and did a water birth. I won’t say it wasn’t painful – it was. But if I could stand up and walk around it was pretty tolerable. I gave birth in the birth tub at the hospital and did not tear – it was great. I literally hopped out of the tub – which was amazing. I felt great. ALL I wanted was an icepack. I felt AWESOME the whole day – totally different than the groggy, frozen and bloated legs I had from being hooked up on drugs and pitocin with the first 2. So I am sure there will be lots of people who differ – and that’s fine! But I wish I would have know it was an option with the first two. I am planning on that route with #4.
7) Strengthening the pelvic floor between pregnancies is SO important. If you can’t feel the muscles well, or can’t engage your pelvic floor – consider getting gynoflex
– google it. It is resistance that come in different strengths for your pelvic floor. Other clients of mine have also used Step Free vaginal weights and have liked them. Both are great if you have trouble with incontinence or if everything is very stretched out (to avoid going into more detail!)
8) You CAN wear a DiastasisRehab™ splint during pregnancy. I personally find it easiest to wear it during the 1st and 2nd trimesters to minimize splitting in that part of the pregnancy. I wear the new one at night mostly and I love it!
So I am sure there are more – but those are the ones that come to my mind! Feel free to chime in – what did you wish you would have know before a prior pregnancy. SHARE YOUR WISDOM!!!
1. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I’m so excited for you & your family!!
2. Awesome tips, I love my bella band–the products for pregnancy are fabulous these days!
3. I have been referring your website to all of my pregnant girlfriends!
Congratulations! 🙂
I LOVED my belly bands! I even wore them after to contain the jelly belly I had! lol